Heating elements, thermosensors and control technology


Our ex­ten­sive port­fo­lio of tech­ni­cal­ly ad­vanced prod­ucts in­cludes heat­ing el­e­ments, ther­mosen­sors and con­trol tech­nol­o­gy. We have been man­u­fac­tur­ing heat­ing el­e­ments since 1973 — from small quan­ti­ties to large vol­umes. Thus, an op­ti­mal price-per­for­mance ra­tio, cus­tomized man­u­fac­tur­ing and a high­ly ef­fi­cient core process backed by our own soft­ware are our top pri­or­i­ties. We pro­vide ware­hous­ing and lo­gis­tics so­lu­tions for our cus­tomers in all ma­jor mar­kets around the world and work with our own ex­pert con­sul­tants to pro­vide the right prod­uct for each of our cus­tomers.

hotset industry solutions for industrial heating and temperature control technology
hotspring Coil heater Mini for heating hot runner nozzles (hot runner technology)

Coil Heaters

Main­ly for heat­ing hot run­ner noz­zles (hot run­ner tech­nol­o­gy) as well as weld­ing rulers and seal­ing heads (pack­ag­ing in­dus­try).

The flexible tubular heater hotflex is used e.g. in contour heating and is available in round and square shape.

Flexible Tubular Heaters

For the heat­ing of hot run­ner dis­trib­u­tor bars with ar­bi­trary slot course for heat­ing ca­pac­i­ty close to the ground chan­nel. Bend­able by hand.

tempflex flexible temperature control channels made of stainless steel for near-contour mold temperature control

Flexible Temperature Channel

Flex­i­ble tem­per­a­ture con­trol chan­nel for cool­ing or heat­ing with oil or wa­ter. Close con­tour tem­per­ing de­pend­ing on self-se­lect­ed slot course.

hottube tubular heating elements are combined with the bendable hotflex

Tubular Heaters

For heat­ing hot run­ner man­i­fold bars, weld­ing bars and heat­ing plates or al­so in screw-in tubu­lar heaters, in­stan­ta­neous wa­ter heaters and flange heaters.

hotrod cartridge heaters with innovative technical features (e.g. moisture-protected connection area)

Cartridge Heaters

For heat­ing noz­zles, dis­trib­u­tor bars, weld­ing bars, hot stamp­ing, cut­ting knives, em­boss­ing rollers and analy­sis equipment.

Flexible heating mats and tapes for homogeneous surface temperature control

Silicone Heating Elements

High­ly ef­fi­cient uni­ver­sal so­lu­tion for ho­mo­ge­neous sur­face tem­per­a­ture con­trol. The in­no­v­a­tive heat­seal­ing band geom­e­try guar­an­tees a rapid trans­mis­sion and thus uni­form dis­tri­b­u­tion of heat.

The hotcast die heating enables the uniform heating of the melt channel and is used in the foundry industry.

Die-Casting Nozzle Heater / Sprue Nozzle

For heat­ing ma­chine noz­zles for melt trans­port from the cast­ing neck to the sprue noz­zle in zinc die casting.

hotset heating elements, control devices, thermocouples and resistance thermometers from our own development and production.

Thermocouples and RTDs

For tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment on heat­ing el­e­ments and tools as well as tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment for the con­trol of the heat output.

Aluminum nitride heater

Aluminum nitride heater

For very rapid heat­ing of liq­uids and gases.

Everything from a single source at hotset: heating element, thermocouple and (shown here) control unit.

Temperature Controllers

For the reg­u­la­tion of the heat­ing ca­pac­i­ty to main­tain pre­set tool temperatures.

Glass silk insulated cables for industrial applications above 300 °C

GLS lines

Glass-silk in­su­lat­ed ca­bles for in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­tions can be used un­der high tem­per­a­ture con­di­tions of over 300 °C.

Isolite ceramic lubricant - high temperature boron nitride based lubricant.

Ceramic Lubricant

In­stal­la­tion and re­moval aid for car­tridge heaters. Heat con­duc­tive and elec­tri­cal­ly insulating.

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