Company Profile

hotset India

HIPL In­dia is a lea­ding ca­ble and wire ma­nu­fac­tu­rer in In­dia es­tab­lished in 2014 as part of hotset group, re­now­ned for its ex­ten­si­ve glo­bal reach and strong mar­ket pre­sence. The com­pa­ny has es­tab­lished do­mi­nan­ce across se­ve­ral key sec­tors, in­clu­ding in­dus­tri­al hea­ter ma­nu­fac­tu­ring, Me­di­cal de­vice, tem­pe­ra­tu­re sen­sors, ovens, fur­naces, bat­te­ries, and wire harnesses.

About Us

HIPL of­fers a di­ver­se ran­ge of ca­bles, in­clu­ding sin­gle-co­re and mul­ti-co­re va­rie­ties, wi­th in­su­la­ti­on op­ti­ons such as fi­ber­glass, si­li­con, and PTFE. Ca­ble con­duc­tors are ma­de from ba­re cop­per, tin­ned cop­per, ni­ckel-pla­ted cop­per, and pu­re ni­ckel. The­se ca­bles are en­gi­nee­red to be fire­pro­of and can wi­th­stand ex­tre­me tem­pe­ra­tures up to 1000°C.

HIPL ex­cels in de­sig­ning and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring cus­to­mi­zed ca­bles tail­o­red to spe­ci­fic ap­pli­ca­ti­on needs, com­bi­ning va­rious spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons, di­men­si­ons, and ma­te­ri­als to meet spe­cia­li­zed requirements.

HIPL’s com­mit­ment to qua­li­ty is de­mons­tra­ted th­rough its ar­ray of cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons, in­clu­ding UL, ISO 9001, CE, and CSA for ca­ble test­ing and ca­li­bra­ti­on of test­ing equip­ment, un­ders­coring their de­di­ca­ti­on to ri­go­rous stan­dards and re­lia­ble performance.

Our Products

GLS Ca­bles


Wel­co­me to our com­pre­hen­si­ve ran­ge of GLS Ca­bles – your go-to so­lu­ti­on for high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. Our GLS Ca­bles are UL cer­ti­fied, en­su­ring the hig­hest stan­dards of safe­ty and per­for­mance. Ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia, our ca­bles are trus­ted by in­dus­tries world­wi­de for their ex­cep­tio­nal du­ra­bi­li­ty and reliability.

Key Fea­tures

  • High Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Re­sis­tance: Wi­th pu­re ni­ckel con­duc­tors and si­li­co­ne var­nish in­su­la­ti­on, our GLS ca­bles can wi­th­stand tem­pe­ra­tures up to 320°C (608°F).
  • Su­pe­ri­or Fle­xi­bi­li­ty: The thin wire stran­ding and dou­ble glass braid of­fer enhan­ced fle­xi­bi­li­ty and ab­ra­si­on re­sis­tance, ma­king in­stal­la­ti­on easier.
  • Cor­ro­si­on Re­sis­tance: Ni­ckel con­duc­tors pro­vi­de ex­cel­lent strength and re­sis­tance to cor­ro­si­on at ele­va­ted temperatures.
  • Safe­ty Com­pli­ance: Cer­ti­fied to UL and CSA stan­dards, en­su­ring top-notch safe­ty for your in­dus­tri­al applications.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

  • Ope­ra­ting Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: Up to 320°C (608°F)
  • No­mi­nal Vol­ta­ge: Up to 480V
  • Test Vol­ta­ge: 1,500V / 2,000V
  • Con­duc­tor Ma­te­ri­al: Ni­ckel, Cop­per, Ni­ckel-pla­ted Cop­per, Tin-pla­ted Copper
  • In­su­la­ti­on: Th­ree lay­ers of coun­ter­wi­se wrap­ped glass silk wi­th si­li­con res­in impregnation
  • Ben­ding Ra­di­us: Mi­ni­mum re­com­men­ded ben­ding ra­di­us is 6x OD


GLS Ca­bles are ver­sa­ti­le and ide­al for use in:

  • In­dus­tri­al Hea­ters: En­su­ring con­sis­tent per­for­mance in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re environments.
  • In­dus­tri­al Fur­naces: Re­lia­ble and dura­ble, per­fect for ex­tre­me heat conditions.
  • Hot Run­ner Sys­tems: Main­tai­ning high am­bi­ent tem­pe­ra­tures wi­t­hout degradation.
  • Other High-Tem­pe­ra­tu­re En­vi­ron­ments: Sui­ta­ble for va­rious other in­dus­tri­al set­tings re­qui­ring high heat resistance.
Power Ca­bles


Ex­plo­re our pre­mi­um ran­ge of Power Ca­bles de­si­gned for di­ver­se in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. Our Power Ca­bles are en­gi­nee­red for re­lia­bi­li­ty and safe­ty, ma­king them ide­al for use in fur­naces, sen­si­ti­ve equip­ment, and air­craft wiring. Ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia, the­se ca­bles meet glo­bal stan­dards and are trus­ted by in­dus­tries worldwide.

Key Fea­tures

  1. High Dielec­tric Strength: En­su­res safe­ty and per­for­mance in high-vol­ta­ge applications.
  2. Light­weight: Ea­sy to hand­le and install.
  3. High Fle­xi­bi­li­ty: Sui­ta­ble for in­stal­la­ti­ons re­qui­ring tight ben­ding and flexibility.
  4. Fla­me Re­sistant: Pro­vi­des safe­ty in ca­se of fire.
  5. Che­mi­cal­ly In­ert: Re­sistant to va­rious che­mi­cals, en­su­ring lon­ge­vi­ty and reliability.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

  1. Ope­ra­ting Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Ran­ge: ‑100°C to 310°C (-148°F to 590°F) de­pen­ding on the in­su­la­ti­on material.
  2. Con­duc­tor Ma­te­ri­al: Pu­re Ni­ckel, Ba­re Cop­per, Tin­ned Cop­per, Sil­ver-Pla­ted Cop­per, Ni­ckel-Pla­ted Copper.
  3. In­su­la­ti­on Op­ti­ons: FEP, PTFE, PFA, Si­li­co­ne, Polyimide.
  4. Outer Sheath: FEP, PTFE, PFA, Si­li­co­ne, Polyimide.
  5. Brai­ding: Stain­less Steel Wire, Gal­va­ni­zed Iron Wire.
  6. Con­duc­tor Si­ze: 0.22 mm² to 6.0 mm².


Power Ca­bles are ver­sa­ti­le and ide­al for use in:

  • Fur­naces: Wi­th­stan­ding high tem­pe­ra­tures and harsh conditions.
  • Sen­si­ti­ve Equip­ment: Pro­vi­ding re­lia­ble per­for­mance for pre­cis­i­on devices.
  • Air­craft In­ter­nal Wiring: En­su­ring safe­ty and re­lia­bi­li­ty in ae­ro­space applications.
  • Elec­tri­cal Mo­tors: Sui­ta­ble for high-per­for­mance mo­tor applications.
PTFE Ca­bles


Dis­co­ver our ran­ge of PTFE Ca­bles, known for their fire­pro­of, che­mi­cal­ly in­ert, light­weight, and high­ly fle­xi­ble pro­per­ties. Our PTFE Ca­bles are ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia and meet the hig­hest glo­bal standards.

Key Fea­tures

  1. Wi­de Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Ran­ge: Ope­ra­tes from ‑100°C to 260°C (-148°F to 500°F).
  2. Fire­pro­of: En­su­res safe­ty in ex­tre­me conditions.
  3. Che­mi­cal Re­sis­tance: In­ert to most chemicals.
  4. Light­weight: Ea­sy to in­stall and handle.
  5. High Fle­xi­bi­li­ty: Sui­ta­ble for va­rious de­man­ding applications.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

  1. Ope­ra­ting Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: ‑100°C to 260°C (-148°F to 500°F)
  2. Con­duc­tor Ma­te­ri­al: Ni­ckel, Cop­per, Ni­ckel-pla­ted Cop­per, Tin-pla­ted Copper
  3. In­su­la­ti­on: PTFE tape wrapped
  4. Con­duc­tor Si­ze: 0.22 mm² to 4.0 mm²
  5. Outer Dia­me­ter: 1.10 mm to 3.25 mm


PTFE Ca­bles are ide­al for:

  • In­dus­tri­al Hea­ters: Pro­vi­ding re­lia­ble per­for­mance in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re environments.
  • Air­craft and Au­to­mo­ti­ve Wiring: En­su­ring safe­ty and durability.
  • Home Ap­pli­ances: Sui­ta­ble for va­rious house­hold applications.
Si­li­co­ne Cables


Our Si­li­co­ne Ca­bles are de­si­gned to of­fer high fle­xi­bi­li­ty and ther­mal re­sis­tance, ma­king them ide­al for in­dus­tri­al hea­ters and other high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. Ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia, the­se ca­bles meet glo­bal stan­dards and are trus­ted for their re­lia­bi­li­ty and performance.

Key Fea­tures

  1. High Fle­xi­bi­li­ty: Sui­ta­ble for in­stal­la­ti­ons re­qui­ring tight bending.
  2. Ther­mal Re­sis­tance: Wi­th­stands high tem­pe­ra­tures wi­t­hout degradation.
  3. Fla­me Re­sistant: Main­ta­ins cir­cuit in­te­gri­ty un­der fire conditions.
  4. Com­pres­si­on Re­sis­tance: Dura­ble un­der me­cha­ni­cal stress.
  5. Che­mi­cal In­su­la­ti­on: Re­sistant to va­rious chemicals.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

  1. Ope­ra­ting Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: ‑40°C to 180°C (-104°F to 356°F)
  2. Con­duc­tor Ma­te­ri­al: Ni­ckel, Cop­per, Ni­ckel-pla­ted Cop­per, Tin-pla­ted Copper
  3. In­su­la­ti­on: Silicone
  4. Con­duc­tor Si­ze: 0.22 mm² to 4.0 mm²
  5. Outer Dia­me­ter: 1.65 mm to 4.30 mm


Si­li­co­ne Ca­bles are ide­al for:

  • In­dus­tri­al Hea­ters: Re­lia­ble per­for­mance in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re environments.
  • Elec­tric Mo­tors: Sui­ta­ble for in­ter­nal wiring.
  • Ref­ri­ge­ra­ti­on Cham­bers: Wi­th­stands low temperatures.
Hea­ting Cables


Our Hea­ting Ca­bles are de­si­gned for pi­pe free­ze pro­tec­tion, de­fros­ting ap­pli­ca­ti­ons, and use in phar­maceu­ti­cal labs. Ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia, the­se ca­bles are known for their high out­put and re­lia­bi­li­ty, mee­ting glo­bal stan­dards and trus­ted by in­dus­tries worldwide.

Key Fea­tures

  1. Ea­sy to In­stall: User-fri­end­ly de­sign en­su­res quick and ef­fi­ci­ent installation.
  2. High Ope­ra­ting Tem­pe­ra­tu­re: Works ef­fec­tively in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re environments.
  3. High Out­put: Pro­vi­des ef­fi­ci­ent hea­ting wi­th re­si­li­ent performance.
  4. Re­si­li­ent Me­cha­ni­cal Pro­per­ties: Dura­ble un­der me­cha­ni­cal stress.
  5. Che­mi­cal In­su­la­ti­on: Re­sistant to va­rious che­mi­cals, en­su­ring long-term reliability.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

  1. Re­sis­tance Ran­ge: 0.25 to 1690 Ohm/meter (cus­to­mizable)
  2. Outer Dia­me­ter: 3 mm (cus­to­mizable)
  3. Power Loa­ding: 20 W/m²
  4. No­mi­nal Vol­ta­ge: 500V
  5. Ben­ding Ra­di­us: 2.5 * Outer dia­me­ter (for thin wire), 6.0 * Outer dia­me­ter (for thick wire)


Hea­ting Ca­bles are ide­al for:

  • Pi­pe Free­ze Pro­tec­tion: Pre­vents pipes from free­zing in cold environments.
  • Ro­of and Gut­ter De-icing: En­su­res smooth wa­ter flow du­ring win­ter by pre­ven­ting ice buildup.
  • Phar­maceu­ti­cal Labs: Pro­vi­des re­lia­ble hea­ting so­lu­ti­ons for va­rious applications.
Ther­mo­cou­ple Cables
Over­view Our Ther­mo­cou­ple Ca­bles are de­si­gned for pre­cise tem­pe­ra­tu­re me­a­su­re­ment across a wi­de ran­ge of in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. Ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia, the­se ca­bles are trus­ted for their ac­cu­ra­cy, re­lia­bi­li­ty, and com­pli­ance wi­th glo­bal stan­dards. Key Fea­tures
  1. High Ac­cu­ra­cy: En­su­res pre­cise tem­pe­ra­tu­re measurement.
  2. Wi­de Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Ran­ge: Sui­ta­ble for va­rious environments.
  3. Short Re­spon­se Time: Pro­vi­des quick and ac­cu­ra­te readings.
  4. Groun­ded Op­ti­ons: Available for spe­ci­fic ap­pli­ca­ti­ons to enhan­ce me­a­su­re­ment stability.
  5. No Self-Hea­ting: En­su­res re­lia­ble per­for­mance wi­t­hout interference.
Tech­ni­cal Specifications
  1. Con­duc­tor Ty­pes: TC, EX, C
  2. Con­duc­tor Ma­te­ri­als: K, T, J, E, N, R, S, B, D, C
  3. Con­duc­tor Si­ze: 0.22 mm² to 6.0 mm²
  4. In­su­la­ti­on: Fi­ber­glass, Si­li­co­ne, PVC, PTFE, FEP, PFA, Polyimide
  5. Outer Sheath: Fi­ber­glass, Si­li­co­ne, PVC, PTFE, FEP, PFA, Polyimide
Ap­pli­ca­ti­ons Ther­mo­cou­ple Ca­bles are ide­al for: 
  • Steel and Alu­mi­num Plants: Pro­vi­des ac­cu­ra­te tem­pe­ra­tu­re me­a­su­re­ment in high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re processes.
  • Pack­a­ging: En­su­res op­ti­mal per­for­mance in pack­a­ging machinery.
  • Au­to­mo­ti­ve Test Ben­ches: Sui­ta­ble for pre­cise re­a­dings in au­to­mo­ti­ve test­ing environments.
  • In­dus­tri­al Fur­naces: Re­lia­ble per­for­mance in ex­tre­me heat conditions.
  • Food and Phar­maceu­ti­cal Equip­ment: En­su­res safe­ty and ac­cu­ra­cy in tem­pe­ra­tu­re monitoring.
T/C ty­pe Con­duc­tor Con­duc­tor combinations Co­lor code To­le­rance class as per IEC 584.3 Tem­pe­ra­tu­re ran­ge [°C]
Ex­ten­si­on cable Com­pen- sa­ting cable +LEG -LEG IEC 5842:1989 ANSI/ MC96.1 Class 1 Class 2
K Chro­mel Alu­mel ±1.5 °C or 0.4 % of T ±2.5 °C or 0.75 % of T 0 to +1100
KX Chro­mel Alu­mel ±1.5 °C ±2.5 °C -25 to +200
KCA Iron Con­stantan - ±2.5 °C 0 to +150
KCB Cop­per Con­stantan - ±2.5 °C 0 to +100
T Cop­per Con­stantan ±0.5 °C or 0.4 % of T ±1.0 °C or 0.75 % of T -185 to +300
TX Cop­per Con­stantan ±0.5 °C ±1.0 °C -25 to +100
J Iron Con­stantan ±1.5 °C or 0.4 % of T ±2.5 °C or 0.75 % of T +20 to +700
JX Iron Con­stantan ±1.5 °C ±2.5 °C -25 to +200
N Nicro­sil Ni­sil ±1.5 °C or 0.4 % of T ±2.5 °C or 0.75 % of T 0 to +1100
NX Nicro­sil Ni­sil ±1.5 °C ±2.5 °C -25 to +200
E Chro­mel Con­stantan ±1.5 °C or 0.4 % of T ±2.5 °C or 0.75 % of T 0 to +800
EX Chro­mel Con­stantan ±1.5 °C ±2.5 °C -25 to +200
RTD Ca­bles


Our RTD Ca­bles are de­si­gned for ac­cu­ra­te tem­pe­ra­tu­re me­a­su­re­ment in ex­tre­me en­vi­ron­ments. Ma­nu­fac­tu­red in In­dia, the­se ca­bles are trus­ted for their pre­cis­i­on, re­lia­bi­li­ty, and long-term sta­bi­li­ty, mee­ting glo­bal standards.

Key Fea­tures

  1. Ea­sy In­stal­la­ti­on: User-fri­end­ly de­sign en­su­res quick and ef­fi­ci­ent installation.
  2. Wi­de Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Ran­ge: Sui­ta­ble for va­rious en­vi­ron­ments and applications.
  3. Dif­fe­ren­ti­al Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Me­a­su­re­ment: Pro­vi­des pre­cise and re­lia­ble readings.
  4. Long-Term Sta­bi­li­ty: En­su­res con­sis­tent per­for­mance over time.
  5. No Tem­pe­ra­tu­re Com­pen­sa­ti­on Nee­ded: Sim­pli­fies usa­ge and re­du­ces the need for ad­di­tio­nal adjustments.

Tech­ni­cal Specifications

  1. Con­duc­tor Ma­te­ri­als: Sil­ver-pla­ted Cop­per, Ni­ckel-pla­ted Cop­per, Cop­per, Tin-pla­ted Cop­per, Nickel
  2. Con­duc­tor Si­ze: 0.22 mm² to 6.0 mm²
  3. In­su­la­ti­on: Fi­ber­glass, Si­li­co­ne, PVC, PTFE, FEP, PFA, Polyimide
  4. Num­ber of Co­res: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
  5. Outer Ja­cket: Fi­ber­glass, Si­li­co­ne, PVC, PTFE, FEP, PFA, Polyimide


RTD Ca­bles are ide­al for:

  • RTD Sen­sors: Pro­vi­des ac­cu­ra­te re­a­dings in tem­pe­ra­tu­re me­a­su­re­ment devices.
  • Me­di­cal In­stru­ments: Sui­ta­ble for pre­cise tem­pe­ra­tu­re me­a­su­re­ments in me­di­cal equipment.
  • Pro­cess In­stru­men­ta­ti­on: En­su­res re­lia­ble per­for­mance in in­dus­tri­al processes.
  • Load Cells and Pres­su­re Trans­du­cers: Ac­cu­ra­te tem­pe­ra­tu­re me­a­su­re­ment for sen­si­ti­ve instruments.
  • Elec­tro­nics and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Equip­ment: En­su­res sta­ble per­for­mance in va­rious elec­tro­nic applications.


HIPL In­dia Pvt Ltd

To­yo­ta Kir­los­kar Mo­tor Com­pa­ny Road
Bi­da­di · Kar­na­ta­ka

Of­fice +91 9900 266 271

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