Company Profile

hotset UK

Hotset UK Ltd has be­en ma­nu­fac­tu­ring hea­ting ele­ments sin­ce 1993. We are ac­cre­di­ted to the re­co­g­nis­ed and re­spec­ted BS EN ISO9001 : 2015 registered.

We ma­nu­fac­tu­re and ope­ra­te in the UK and are pro­ba­b­ly the UK’s No. 1 ma­nu­fac­tu­rer and sto­ckist of hea­ting ele­ments. We have a pur­po­se built fac­to­ry com­pri­sing of 10,000 sq ft and in ad­di­ti­on to this we have fur­ther ca­pa­ci­ty of 6500 sq ft, al­lo­wing ple­nty of scope to ex­pand our pro­ducts and busi­ness wi­thin the UK and Worldwide.

Extensive manufacturing materials

Hotset UK hold ex­ten­si­ve ma­nu­fac­tu­ring ma­te­ri­als which enable us to pro­vi­de a fast and ef­fi­ci­ent ser­vice to our cus­to­mers. We be­lie­ve that wi­th our de­di­ca­ted work­force, no­bo­dy works har­der than us in our in­dus­try, due to our ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses tog­e­ther wi­th an ad­van­ced com­pu­ter sys­tem to ope­ra­te our CNC Trumpf Ma­chi­nes, Al­so to add to our pro­duc­tion ca­pa­bi­li­ties we have in­ves­ted in new mi­ca sheet and coil ele­ment win­ding ma­chi­nes, which gi­ves us the ca­pa­ci­ty to enhan­ce our ser­vice to all of our cus­to­mers wi­th Fast Tur­n­around, Qua­li­ty and Pri­ce from or­der to des­patch. We al­so of­fer an emer­gen­cy break­down ser­vi­ve to new and exis­ting cus­to­mers wi­th no ad­di­tio­nal or hid­den surchar­ges of the pro­ducts we manufacture.

No order is too large or too small.

Why!! wait weeks for your hea­ter bands when we can de­li­ver the sa­me day / next day.

Hotset UK Ltd be­lie­ve that cus­to­mer sa­tis­fac­tion is of vi­tal im­portance in or­der to main­tain long term re­la­ti­onships wi­th our customers.

Ma­nu­fac­tu­ring in the UK sin­ce 1993

Our Products

Nozz­le Heaters

Hotset UK ma­nu­fac­tu­re a wi­de ran­ge of Nozz­le Hea­ters wi­th va­rious clam­ping me­thods and lead exits. All si­zes be­low are ra­ted 240 Volt, but other vol­ta­ges are available.

Si­ze Wat­ta­ge Si­ze Wat­ta­ge Si­ze Wat­ta­ge Si­ze Wat­ta­ge
25 x 25 100 32 x 25 115 38 x 25 140 45 x 25 175
25 x 30 100 32 x 30 140 38 x 30 160 45 x 30 185
25 x 32 120 32 x 32 150 38 x 32 170 45 x 32 200
25 x 35 130 32 x 35 160 38 x 35 190 45 x 35 225
25 x 38 140 32 x 38 175 38 x 38 200 45 x 38 240
25 x 40 150 32 x 40 180 38 x 40 225 45 x 40 250
25 x 45 165 32 x 45 200 38 x 45 275 45 x 45 275
25 x 50 180 32 x 50 230 38 x 50 275 45 x 50 325
30 x 25 100 35 x 25 140 40 x 25 140 50 x 25 180
30 x 30 130 35 x 30 150 40 x 30 175 50 x 30 220
30 x 32 140 35 x 32 160 40 x 32 180 50 x 32 235
30 x 35 150 35 x 35 175 40 x 35 150 50 x35 250
30 x 38 160 35 x 38 190 40 x 38 220 50 x 38 280
30 x 40 175 35 x 40 200 40 x 40 230 50 x 40 300
30 x 45 200 35 x 45 225 40 x 45 250 50 x 45 325
30 x 50 220 35 x 50 250 40 x 50 280 50 x 50 375

Available Styles

HS‑1 Leads out of thic­k­ness. For use in rest­ric­ted are­as wi­th low pro­fi­le lead exit, si­zes ran­ge from 25mm dia­me­ter to 50 dia­me­ter fit­ted wi­th or wi­t­hout steel over braid. When or­de­ring sta­te dia­me­ter, width, watts, volts, and lead length. The si­zes lis­ted abo­ve are available from stock at spe­cial pri­ces for HS‑1 exit but lar­ger si­zes are available.

HS‑2 Leads out of width. Used in most ap­pli­ca­ti­ons wi­th fle­xi­ble leads exi­ting from eit­her si­de of the clamp gap. When or­de­ring sta­te dia­me­ter, width, watts, volts, and lead length.

HS‑3 Leads axi­al exit out of nozz­le box. For use on­ly whe­re the­re is suf­fi­ci­ent cle­arance around the nozz­le to al­low for the ter­mi­nal housing. when or­de­ring sta­te dia­me­ter, width, watts, volts and lead length.

HS‑4 Press Fit. Used whe­re space is rest­ric­ted to a mi­ni­mum and the­re is in­suf­fi­ci­ent room for a clam­ping ar­ran­ge­ment. When or­de­ring sta­te dia­me­ter, width, watts, volts, and lead length.

Brass Sea­led Nozz­le / Stan­dard HS1 Nozz­le / Stain­less Sea­led Nozzle

Mi­ca Band Heaters
Hotset UK ma­nu­fac­tu­re Mi­ca In­su­la­ted Band Hea­ters to an ex­cel­lent stan­dard and to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, which in­cludes Mi­ca Cy­lind­ri­cal Hea­ters, Pla­te Hea­ters, Box Shape Hea­ters, „L“ Shape Hea­ters, and Seg­ment Hea­ters. All of our Mi­ca Hea­ters are PAT tes­ted to the In­dus­try Stan­dard of 1200 volts to en­su­re ma­xi­mum performance. 


Used wi­de­ly in the In­jec­tion Moul­ding, Blow Moul­ding and Ex­tru­si­on Industries. 

Technical Data

Outer material  Stain­less Steel or Aludip 
In­su­la­ti­on material  High tem­pe­ra­tu­re phlo­go­pi­te mica 
Stan­dard thickness  4mm approx 
Win­ding material  High qua­li­ty 80/20 NiCr 
Vol­ta­ge supply  up to 480 volts 
Watt density  3.5 watts cm2 
Ma­xi­mum temperature  up to 300 °C
Re­sis­tance tolerance  +10% – 5% 
Wat­ta­ge tolerance  +5% – 10% 

Available Terminations

Hotset UK can ma­nu­fac­tu­re Mi­ca Band Hea­ters wi­th a wi­de va­rie­ty of ter­mi­na­ti­on op­ti­ons de­pen­ding on the ty­pe of ap­pli­ca­ti­on and cus­to­mer re­qui­re­ment. Op­ti­ons as lis­ted below.

  • 2 Pin Socket
  • 3 Pin Eu­ro Socket
  • Post Ter­mi­nals
  • Cera­mic Ter­mi­nal Block
  • Fly­ing Leads
  • Brai­ded Leads
  • Con­duit
  • Si­li­co­ne Leads
  • Strain Re­li­ef Clips or Grip Glands
Mi­ca Pla­te Heaters

Hotset UK ma­nu­fac­tu­re Mi­ca Pla­te Hea­ters to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on wi­th a va­rie­ty of ter­mi­na­ti­on op­ti­ons and shapes. Pla­tes can al­so be ma­nu­fac­tu­red as Discs, Box Shapes, L Shapes and U Shapes and can al­so be sup­pli­ed wi­th 3 and 6mm thick Clam­ping Plates.


Used wi­de­ly in the Ex­tru­si­on In­dus­try to heat Pro­fi­le Tools and Dies 

Technical Data

Outer material Stain­less Steel or Aludip
In­su­la­ti­on material High tem­pe­ra­tu­re phlo­go­pi­te mica
Stan­dard thickness 4mm approx
Win­ding material High qua­li­ty 80/20 NiCr
Vol­ta­ge supply up to 480 volts
Watt density 3.5 watts cm2
Ma­xi­mum temperature up to 300 °C
Re­sis­tance tolerance +10% – 5%
Wat­ta­ge tolerance +5% – 10%

Available Terminations

Hotset UK can ma­nu­fac­tu­re Mi­ca Pla­te Hea­ters wi­th a wi­de va­rie­ty of ter­mi­na­ti­on op­ti­ons de­pen­ding on the ty­pe of ap­pli­ca­ti­on and cus­to­mer re­qui­re­ment. Op­ti­ons as lis­ted below.

  • 2 Pin Socket
  • 3 Pin Eu­ro Socket
  • Post Ter­mi­nals
  • Cera­mic Junc­tion Block
  • Fly­ing Leads
  • Brai­ded Leads
  • Con­duit
  • Si­li­co­ne Leads
  • Strain Re­li­ef Clips or Grip Glands
Cera­mic Band Heaters
Hotset UK ma­nu­fac­tu­re Cera­mic In­su­la­ted Band Hea­ters to an ex­cel­lent stan­dard and to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, which in­cludes Cera­mic Cy­lind­ri­cal Hea­ters, Seg­ment Hea­ters, Air Coo­led Sh­rouds and Tower Hea­ters. All of our Cera­mic Hea­ters are PAT tes­ted to the In­dus­try Stan­dard of 1200 volts which would en­su­re ma­xi­mum per­for­mance. We can al­so re­fur­bish Cera­mic Hea­ters at a re­du­ced pri­ce of a new hea­ter pro­vi­ding the outer ca­sing is re-usable. 


For hea­ting press pla­s­ti­fi­ca­ti­on cy­lin­ders for In­jec­tion, Blow Moul­ding and Ex­tru­si­on Machines. 

Technical Data

Outer material  Stain­less Steel or Aludip 
In­su­la­ti­on material  Cera­mic stea­ti­te gra­de 211 
Stan­dard thickness  11mm approx 
Win­ding material  High qua­li­ty 80/20 NiCr wire 
Vol­ta­ge supply  up to 480 volts 
Watt density  7 watts cm2 
Ma­xi­mum temperature  up to 450 °C
Re­sis­tance tolerance  +10% – 5% 
Wat­ta­ge tolerance  +5% – 10% 

Available Terminations

Hotset UK can ma­nu­fac­tu­re Cera­mic Band Hea­ters wi­th a wi­de va­rie­ty of ter­mi­na­ti­on op­ti­ons de­pen­ding on the ty­pe of ap­pli­ca­ti­on and cus­to­mer re­qui­re­ment. Op­ti­ons as lis­ted below.

  • 2 Pin Socket
  • 3 Pin Eu­ro Socket
  • Post Ter­mi­nals
  • Cera­mic Ter­mi­nal Block
  • Fly­ing Leads
  • Brai­ded Leads
  • Con­duit
  • Si­li­co­ne Leads
  • Strain Re­li­ef Clips or Grip Glands
We ma­nu­fac­tu­re a wi­de ran­ge of ther­mo­cou­ples for pro­cess con­trol. All our ther­mo­cou­ples are available as ty­pe „J“ and ty­pe „K“. Ther­mo­cou­ples can al­so be ma­nu­fac­tu­red wi­th or wi­t­hout plugs and so­ckets. We car­ry lar­ge stocks of 8mm dia­me­ter x 10mm 14.5 id dou­ble slot cap wi­th 2 and 3 met­re leads at spe­cial prices. 

Stock Thermocouples

Stan­dard 8mm Dia x 10mm long tip wi­th 14.5 ID ba­yo­net cap, 
Sen­sor Ty­pe: „J“ Grounded 
Available Lengths  2 and 3 Meters 
Stan­dard 6mm Dia x 15mm long tip wi­th 12.5 ID ba­yo­net cap, 
Sen­sor Ty­pe: „J“ Grounded 
Available Lengths  2 Meters 
Other con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons available on request
Stan­dard le­af type,
Ty­pe „J“ 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 Me­ter lengths
Ty­pe „K“ 1.0 Me­ter
Other con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons available on request
Ma­ni­fold thermocouple
Sen­sor Ty­pe: „J“ Grounded 
Available Lengths  2 and 3 Meters 
Other con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons available on request
1.9 mm mi­ne­ral in­su­la­ted thermocouple
Sen­sor Ty­pe: „J“ Grounded 
Available Lengths  1.5 2,3 and 4 Meters 
Other con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons available on request
Ro­ta­ting Bolt Thermocouple
Sen­sor Ty­pe „J“ Groun­ded
Available lengths 2 Me­ter
Bolt spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on M8 x 1.25 and M6 x 1.0
Other con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons available on request

We al­so ma­nu­fac­tu­re sa­me day / next day

  • PT100
  • Melt Bolts
  • Mi­ne­ral Insulated

Thermocouple adaptors

Hotset UK stock a wi­de va­rie­ty of pre­cis­i­on tur­ned ther­mo­cou­ple bar­rel ad­ap­tors in va­rious si­zes and threads. 
Th­read Pitch Length O/D I/D Ty­pe No. Pins Part No.
1/8 BSP 25 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX25B
1/8 BSP 30 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX30B
1/8 BSP 35 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX35B
1/8 BSP 55 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX55B
1/8 BSP 65 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX65B
1/4 BSP 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 1/4BSPX50B
1/4 BSP 75 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 1/4BSPX75B
3/8 BSP 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 3/8BSPX50B
3/8 BSP 50 14 8.5 Hex 2 3/8BSPX50H
M12 1.5 30 12 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.5X30X12H
M12 1.5 30 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.5X30X14H
M12 1.75 25 12 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1.75X25X12B
M12 1.75 30 12 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.75X30X12B
M12 1.75 32 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.75X32X14H
M12 1.75 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1.75X50X14B
M12 1.0 30 12 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1X30X12H
M12 1.0 30 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1X30X14H
M12 1.0 32 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X32X14B
M12 1.0 32 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1X32X14H
M12 1.0 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X50X14B
M12 1.0 60 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X60X14B
M12 1.0 70 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X70X14B
M14 1.5 100 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X100X14B
M14 1.5 20 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X20X14B
M14 1.5 32 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X32X14B
M14 1.5 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X50X14B
M14 1.5 60 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X60X14B
M14 1.5 70 12 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X70X12B
M14 1.0 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1X50X14B
This list is not ex­haus­ti­ve and spe­cials can be ma­nu­fac­tu­red to cus­to­mers specifications
Coil Hea­ters
Hotset UK stock a wi­de ran­ge of straight length flat (2.2 x 4.2mm) sec­tion re­a­dy to be coiled on site and des­patched sa­me day. 


Used main­ly in the In­jec­tion Moul­ding In­dus­try for Hea­ting Sprue Bus­hes and Hot Run­ner Systems. 
Wat­ta­ge Width
MMØ INCH 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
10.0 195 240 350 350 350 400 460 460 610
12.0 215 295 400 400 400 460 610 610 610
12.5 1/2″ 215 295 400 400 400 460 610 610 690
14.0 240 350 400 400 460 610 610 690 690
15.0 240 400 460 460 610 610 610 690
16.0 5/8″ 240 400 460 460 610 610 690 690
18.0 295 400 610 610 610 690 690
19.0 3/4″ 295 400 610 610 610 690
20.0 295 460 610 610 690 690
22.0 7/8″ 195 350 610 690 690 690
24.0 195 400 610 690 690
25.0 1″ 215 400 610 690 690
28.0 215 460 690
30.0 240 460 690
32.0 1 1/4″ 240 460 690
35.0 295 610
38.0 1 1/2″ 295 610
40.0 295 610
42.0 350 610
45.0 350 690
48.0 400 690
50.0 2″ 400 690

ther si­zes are available on re­quest. When or­de­ring, spe­ci­fy in­si­de Dia­me­ter and length. Va­rious exits available as below.

Axi­al Exit
Tan­gen­ti­al Exit
Ra­di­al Exit

Al­so va­rious wat­ta­ges available from stock 3.3 Round Section.

Tu­bu­lar Heaters
Hotset UK stock an ex­ten­si­ve ran­ge of Ben­da­ble Tu­bu­lar Hea­ting Ele­ments for im­me­dia­te des­patch. All of our Tu­bu­lar Hea­ting Ele­ments are tes­ted to the cur­rent In­dus­try Standard. 


By forming and fit­ting the Ben­da­ble Tu­bu­lar it be­co­mes slight­ly lon­ger. Ca­re must be ta­ken not to mul­ti-bend at the sa­me point, be­cau­se this could cau­se da­ma­ge to the hea­ter. The Ben­da­ble Tu­bu­lar is mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent and prac­ti­cal than the con­ven­tio­nal So­lid Tu­bu­lar Heater. 
Straight So­lid Tu­bu­lars can be sup­pli­ed in a ran­ge of materials 
For­med Tu­bu­lars can be de­si­gned to cus­to­mer specification. 

Im­mersi­on Hea­ters are de­si­gned and built for ea­se of in­stal­la­ti­on, safe­ty, re­lia­bi­li­ty and ea­sy main­ten­an­ce even in dif­fi­cult conditions.

Stan­dard th­read si­zes BSP 1 1/4″, 1 3/4″, 2″, 2 1/4″ and 2 1/2″ but va­rious al­ter­na­ti­ves are available on request.

Car­tridge Heaters
Hotset UK hold an ex­ten­si­ve stock ran­ge of Car­tridge Hea­ters from 6.3mm dia­me­ter up to 20mm dia­me­ter, Ma­nu­fac­tu­red from high qua­li­ty stain­less steel and high gra­de 80/20 NI/CR wire and can run up to 750 degrees. 

We ma­nu­fac­tu­re Car­tridge Hea­ters Stan­dard and Non Stan­dard si­zes 10 – 14 Days. We al­so of­fer an Ex­press ser­vice which we will ma­nufatut­re wi­thin 5 Days.


Used in the In­jec­tion and Ex­tru­si­on Moul­ding In­dus­try to heat Moulds and Pla­tens, usual­ly in­ser­ted in­to a se­ries of dril­led holes. 
Dia­me­ter Length Watts Volts No­tes
6.3 38.1 200 230  
6.3 50.8 125 230  
6.3 63.5 125 230  
6.3 63.5 250 230  
6.3 63.5 250 230 Wi­th J ty­pe T/C
6.3 76.2 300 230  
6.3 76.2 315 230  
6.3 82.5 125 230  
6.3 82.5 350 230  
6.3 101.6 160 230  
6.3 101.6 220 230  
6.5 40 100 230 Wi­th J Ty­pe T/C
6.5 60 125 230  
6.5 60 160 230  
6.5 80 180 230  
6.5 80 250 230  
6.5 80 315 230  
6.5 100 160 230  
6.5 100 250 230  
6.5 100 350 230  
6.5 100 350 230 Wi­th J Ty­pe T/C
6.5 130 220 230  
6.5 130 350 230  
8.0 40 100 230  
8.0 40 250 230  
8.0 50 250 230  
8.0 80 315 230  
8.0 100 200 230  
8.0 100 315 230  
8.0 130 250 230  
8.0 160 200 230  
9.46 63.5 315 230  
9.46 63.5 400 230  
9.46 63.5 500 230  
9.46 76.2 250 230  
9.46 76.2 250 230 Wi­th J Ty­pe T/C
9.46 76.2 400 230  
9.46 76.2 400 230 Wi­th J Ty­pe T/C
9.46 76.2 500 230  
9.46 76.2 600 230  
9.46 82.5 400 230  
9.46 127 300 230  
9.46 133.3 400 230  
9.46 133.3 500 230  
9.46 152.4 750 230  
9.46 165.5 400 230  
10.0 40 125 230  
10.0 40 200 230  
10.0 50 250 230 Wi­th J Ty­pe T/C
10.0 60 125 230  
10.0 80 250 230  
10.0 80 315 230  
10.0 80 630 230  
10.0 100 250 230  
10.0 100 315 230  
10.0 100 350 230  
10.0 100 630 230  
10.0 100 850 230  
10.0 130 630 230  
10.0 130 800 230  
10.0 160 400 230  
12.5 50 100 230  
12.5 50 200 230  
12.5 60 200 230  
12.5 60 315 230  
12.5 60 400 230  
12.5 80 250 230  
12.5 130 630 230  
12.5 180 670 230  
12.61 38.1 160 230  
12.61 50.8 500 230  
12.61 57.2 300 230  
12.61 63.5 315 230  
12.61 63.5 500 230  
12.61 76.2 300 230  
12.61 76.2 600 230  
12.61 82.5 200 230  
12.61 82.5 315 230  
12.61 82.5 500 230  
12.61 82.5 630 230  
12.61 82.5 800 230  
12.61 101.6 250 230  
12.61 101.6 400 230  
12.61 101.6 500 230  
12.61 101.6 800 230  
12.61 127 750 230  
12.61 152.4 500 230  
12.61 152.4 750 230  
12.61 165.1 800 230  
12.61 165.1 1200 230  
15.81 38.1 230 230  
15.81 38.1 315 230  
15.81 50.8 160 230  
15.81 50.8 400 230  
15.81 50.8 500 230  
15.81 63.5 250 230  
15.81 76.2 750 230  
15.81 76.2 1000 230  
15.81 82.5 400 230  
15.81 82.5 630 230  
15.81 127 750 230  
15.81 127 1000 230  
15.81 133.3 500 230  
15.81 133.3 1100 230  
15.81 203.3 1500 230  
15.81 304.4 1800 230  
16.0 40 250 230  
16.0 50 250 230  
16.0 50 400 230  
16.0 60 315 230  
16.0 60 630 230  
16.0 80 500 230  
16.0 80 630 230  
16.0 80 800 230  
16.0 130 1000 230  
16.0 160 630 230  
16.0 160 800 230  
16.0 250 1000 230  
16.0 250 1250 230  
16.0 250 1600 230  
20.0 60 800 230  
20.0 80 350 230  
20.0 80 800 230  
20.0 80 1000 230  
20.0 100 1000 230  
20.0 100 1600 230  
20.0 130 630 230  
20.0 130 900 230  
20.0 130 1250 230  
20.0 160 800 230  
20.0 300 1600 230  
Other si­zes, wat­ta­ges and vol­ta­ges are available upon request. 
In­su­la­ti­on Jackets

Hotset UK In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets can be used in con­junc­tion wi­th your exis­ting hea­ter bands wi­t­hout the need to re­place them, they can al­so be ma­nu­fac­tu­red as a com­ple­te unit wi­th hea­ters built in.

Our In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets con­sist of high tem­pe­ra­tu­re, high ten­si­le gra­phi­te coa­ted si­li­ca hot face and de­si­gned to ope­ra­te at 1200 ° C. The In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets be­ne­fit from a ri­gid Tef­lon outer face that can be ea­si­ly wi­ped clean

The in­ner blan­ket is ma­de from high den­si­ty wool wi­th su­pe­ri­or in­su­la­ting pro­per­ties that will not break­down un­der ex­tre­me tem­pe­ra­tures. The Ja­ckets are fas­ten­ed using high tem­pe­ra­tu­re stain­less hook and loop velcro. 

Hotset UK In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets can be used in con­junc­tion wi­th your exis­ting hea­ter bands wi­t­hout the need to re­place them, they can al­so be ma­nu­fac­tu­red as a com­ple­te unit wi­th hea­ters built in.

Our In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets con­sist of high tem­pe­ra­tu­re, high ten­si­le gra­phi­te coa­ted si­li­ca hot face and de­si­gned to ope­ra­te at 1200 ° C. The In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets be­ne­fit from a ri­gid Tef­lon outer face that can be ea­si­ly wi­ped clean

The in­ner blan­ket is ma­de from high den­si­ty wool wi­th su­pe­ri­or in­su­la­ting pro­per­ties that will not break­down un­der ex­tre­me tem­pe­ra­tures. The Ja­ckets are fas­ten­ed using high tem­pe­ra­tu­re stain­less hook and loop vel­cro.
We ma­nu­fac­tu­re In­su­la­ti­on Ja­ckets wi­th cu­touts to ac­com­mo­da­te ter­mi­nal bo­xes, ther­mo­cou­ple ho­les and stanchion sup­ports and are available in va­rious thic­k­ness, to ac­com­mo­da­te rest­ric­ted ac­cess from guards.

If you would li­ke ad­vice on how to prepa­re a sur­vey for In­su­la­ti­on, plea­se do not he­si­ta­te to cont­act us.

Benefits Include

  • Fas­ter start up times
  • In­creased Cy­cle times
  • Mi­ni­mum 30% en­er­gy savings
  • Cold sur­face re­du­ces risk of burns
  • En­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly
Ty­pi­cal Cy­lind­ri­cal Jacket
In­su­la­ti­on Ja­cket in Flat Form
Plugs and Sockets
Hotset UK stock a wi­de ran­ge of Plugs and So­ckets. Available for im­me­dia­te despatch 
De­scrip­ti­onPart Num­berImageRa­ting
3‑Pin Rub­ber Si­li­co­ne Straight3‑PRSS16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
3‑Pin Rub­ber Si­li­co­ne 90 De­gree Angled3‑PRSA16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Rub­ber Si­li­co­ne Straight2‑PRSS16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Rub­ber Si­li­co­ne 90 De­gree Angled2‑PRSA16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Cera­mic Ali Straight2‑PCAS24 Amps 380V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Cera­mic Ali 90 De­gree Angled2‑PCAA24 Amps 380V~ 200° C
3‑Pin So­cket3‑PS16 Amp 250V~
2‑Pin Cera­mic Socket2‑PCS10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Ba­yo­net3‑PB-TCP10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Ba­yo­net Socket3‑PB-TCS10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Screw Plug3‑PS-TCP10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Screw Socket3‑PS-TCS10 Amp 250V~
Ca­bles and Accessories
HOTSET UK stock a wi­de ran­ge of Mould Shop Ac­cess­ories which are all available for im­me­dia­te despatch. 

Our own brand of Hotset UK Mould Shop Sprays con­sists of, Mould Clea­ner Degreaser, Si­li­co­ne Mould Re­lease, Non-Si­li­co­ne Mould Re­lease, Green Mois­tu­re Guard, Clear Mois­tu­re Guard, and HS-40 Main­ten­an­ce Spray. Da­ta sheets available on request.

We stock a wi­de va­rie­ty of Glass Fib­re Ca­ble ran­ging from 2.5 amp th­rough to 40 amp Ca­ble. De­si­gned to ope­ra­te at tem­pe­ra­tures up to 320° C. Sup­pli­ed on 100 mtr rolls or sup­pli­ed by the metre. 
We hold a lar­ge ran­ge of Ter­mi­nal Blocks for sin­gle and th­ree pha­se con­nec­tions which co­me in a va­rie­ty of ty­pes from Post Ter­mi­nals, Buzz Bars and Th­rough Con­nec­tors wi­th a ran­ge of am­pa­ge ratings. 
We stock lar­ge quan­ti­ties of ty­pe „J“ and ty­pe „K“ Ther­mo­cou­ple Ca­ble wi­th Stain­less Steel Overbraid. 
Ter­mi­nal Boxes
Height50 mm
Width100 mm
Length150 mm
Height50 mm
Width100 mm
Length100 mm
Height50 mm
Width50 mm
Length70 mm
Height50 mm
Width50 mm
Length70 mm
Height50 mm
Width50 mm
Length70 mm
Height65 mm
Width55 mm
Length65 mm
Height65 mm (ex­clu­ding clip)
Width35 mm
Length65 mm
Height65 mm (ex­clu­ding gland)
Width35 mm
Length65 mm
Height40 mm
Width32 mm
Length60 mm
Height40 mm (ex­clu­ding gland)
Width32 mm
Length60 mm
Height60 mm
Width28 mm
Length50 mm
Height35 mm
Width50 mm
Length60 mm (to end of socket)
Height38 mm
Width50 mm
Length65 mm (to end of socket)
Height38 mm
Width50 mm
Length65 mm (to end of socket)
Height25 mm
Width32 mm
Length40 mm (ex­clu­ding clip)
Height12 mm
Width20 mm
Length28 mm


Hotset UK Limited

Unit 1, West Road,
Pen­all­ta In­dus­tri­al Es­tate,
CF82 7QZ

Tel:- 01443 813500 | Fax:- 01443 819536 | Email:-

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