Company Profile

hotset UK

Hotset UK Ltd has been man­u­fac­tur­ing heat­ing el­e­ments since 1993. We are ac­cred­it­ed to the recog­nised and re­spect­ed BS EN ISO9001 : 2015 registered.

We man­u­fac­ture and op­er­ate in the UK and are prob­a­bly the UK’s No. 1 man­u­fac­tur­er and stock­ist of heat­ing el­e­ments. We have a pur­pose built fac­to­ry com­pris­ing of 10,000 sq ft and in ad­di­tion to this we have fur­ther ca­pac­i­ty of 6500 sq ft, al­low­ing plen­ty of scope to ex­pand our prod­ucts and busi­ness with­in the UK and Worldwide.

Extensive manufacturing materials

Hotset UK hold ex­ten­sive man­u­fac­tur­ing ma­te­ri­als which en­able us to pro­vide a fast and ef­fi­cient ser­vice to our cus­tomers. We be­lieve that with our ded­i­cat­ed work­force, no­body works hard­er than us in our in­dus­try, due to our man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es to­geth­er with an ad­vanced com­put­er sys­tem to op­er­ate our CNC Trumpf Ma­chines, Al­so to add to our pro­duc­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties we have in­vest­ed in new mi­ca sheet and coil el­e­ment wind­ing ma­chines, which gives us the ca­pac­i­ty to en­hance our ser­vice to all of our cus­tomers with Fast Turn­around, Qual­i­ty and Price from or­der to despatch. We al­so of­fer an emer­gency break­down ser­vive to new and ex­ist­ing cus­tomers with no ad­di­tion­al or hid­den sur­charges of the prod­ucts we manufacture.

No order is too large or too small.

Why!! wait weeks for your heater bands when we can de­liv­er the same day / next day.

Hotset UK Ltd be­lieve that cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion is of vi­tal im­por­tance in or­der to main­tain long term re­la­tion­ships with our customers.

Man­u­fac­tur­ing in the UK since 1993

Our Products

Noz­zle Heaters

Hotset UK man­u­fac­ture a wide range of Noz­zle Heaters with var­i­ous clamp­ing meth­ods and lead ex­its. All sizes be­low are rat­ed 240 Volt, but oth­er volt­ages are available.

Size Wattage Size Wattage Size Wattage Size Wattage
25 x 25 100 32 x 25 115 38 x 25 140 45 x 25 175
25 x 30 100 32 x 30 140 38 x 30 160 45 x 30 185
25 x 32 120 32 x 32 150 38 x 32 170 45 x 32 200
25 x 35 130 32 x 35 160 38 x 35 190 45 x 35 225
25 x 38 140 32 x 38 175 38 x 38 200 45 x 38 240
25 x 40 150 32 x 40 180 38 x 40 225 45 x 40 250
25 x 45 165 32 x 45 200 38 x 45 275 45 x 45 275
25 x 50 180 32 x 50 230 38 x 50 275 45 x 50 325
30 x 25 100 35 x 25 140 40 x 25 140 50 x 25 180
30 x 30 130 35 x 30 150 40 x 30 175 50 x 30 220
30 x 32 140 35 x 32 160 40 x 32 180 50 x 32 235
30 x 35 150 35 x 35 175 40 x 35 150 50 x35 250
30 x 38 160 35 x 38 190 40 x 38 220 50 x 38 280
30 x 40 175 35 x 40 200 40 x 40 230 50 x 40 300
30 x 45 200 35 x 45 225 40 x 45 250 50 x 45 325
30 x 50 220 35 x 50 250 40 x 50 280 50 x 50 375

Available Styles

HS‑1 Leads out of thick­ness. For use in re­strict­ed ar­eas with low pro­file lead ex­it, sizes range from 25mm di­am­e­ter to 50 di­am­e­ter fit­ted with or with­out steel over braid. When or­der­ing state di­am­e­ter, width, watts, volts, and lead length. The sizes list­ed above are avail­able from stock at spe­cial prices for HS‑1 ex­it but larg­er sizes are available.

HS‑2 Leads out of width. Used in most ap­pli­ca­tions with flex­i­ble leads ex­it­ing from ei­ther side of the clamp gap. When or­der­ing state di­am­e­ter, width, watts, volts, and lead length.

HS‑3 Leads ax­i­al ex­it out of noz­zle box. For use on­ly where there is suf­fi­cient clear­ance around the noz­zle to al­low for the ter­mi­nal hous­ing. when or­der­ing state di­am­e­ter, width, watts, volts and lead length.

HS‑4 Press Fit. Used where space is re­strict­ed to a min­i­mum and there is in­suf­fi­cient room for a clamp­ing arrange­ment. When or­der­ing state di­am­e­ter, width, watts, volts, and lead length.

Brass Sealed Noz­zle / Stan­dard HS1 Noz­zle / Stain­less Sealed Nozzle

Mi­ca Band Heaters

Hotset UK man­u­fac­ture Mi­ca In­su­lat­ed Band Heaters to an ex­cel­lent stan­dard and to cus­tomer spec­i­fi­ca­tion, which in­cludes Mi­ca Cylin­dri­cal Heaters, Plate Heaters, Box Shape Heaters, “L” Shape Heaters, and Seg­ment Heaters. All of our Mi­ca Heaters are PAT test­ed to the In­dus­try Stan­dard of 1200 volts to en­sure max­i­mum performance.


Used wide­ly in the In­jec­tion Mould­ing, Blow Mould­ing and Ex­tru­sion Industries.

Technical Data

Out­er material  Stain­less Steel or Aludip 
In­su­la­tion material  High tem­per­a­ture phl­o­go­pite mica 
Stan­dard thickness  4mm approx 
Wind­ing material  High qual­i­ty 80/20 NiCr 
Volt­age supply  up to 480 volts 
Watt density  3.5 watts cm2 
Max­i­mum temperature  up to 300 °C
Re­sis­tance tolerance  +10% — 5% 
Wattage tolerance  +5% — 10% 

Available Terminations

Hotset UK can man­u­fac­ture Mi­ca Band Heaters with a wide va­ri­ety of ter­mi­na­tion op­tions de­pend­ing on the type of ap­pli­ca­tion and cus­tomer re­quire­ment. Op­tions as list­ed below.

  • 2 Pin Socket
  • 3 Pin Eu­ro Socket
  • Post Ter­mi­nals
  • Ce­ram­ic Ter­mi­nal Block
  • Fly­ing Leads
  • Braid­ed Leads
  • Con­duit
  • Sil­i­cone Leads
  • Strain Re­lief Clips or Grip Glands
Mi­ca Plate Heaters

Hotset UK man­u­fac­ture Mi­ca Plate Heaters to cus­tomer spec­i­fi­ca­tion with a va­ri­ety of ter­mi­na­tion op­tions and shapes. Plates can al­so be man­u­fac­tured as Discs, Box Shapes, L Shapes and U Shapes and can al­so be sup­plied with 3 and 6mm thick Clamp­ing Plates.


Used wide­ly in the Ex­tru­sion In­dus­try to heat Pro­file Tools and Dies

Technical Data

Out­er material Stain­less Steel or Aludip
In­su­la­tion material High tem­per­a­ture phl­o­go­pite mica
Stan­dard thickness 4mm approx
Wind­ing material High qual­i­ty 80/20 NiCr
Volt­age supply up to 480 volts
Watt density 3.5 watts cm2
Max­i­mum temperature up to 300 °C
Re­sis­tance tolerance +10% — 5%
Wattage tolerance +5% — 10%

Available Terminations

Hotset UK can man­u­fac­ture Mi­ca Plate Heaters with a wide va­ri­ety of ter­mi­na­tion op­tions de­pend­ing on the type of ap­pli­ca­tion and cus­tomer re­quire­ment. Op­tions as list­ed below.

  • 2 Pin Socket
  • 3 Pin Eu­ro Socket
  • Post Ter­mi­nals
  • Ce­ram­ic Junc­tion Block
  • Fly­ing Leads
  • Braid­ed Leads
  • Con­duit
  • Sil­i­cone Leads
  • Strain Re­lief Clips or Grip Glands
Ce­ram­ic Band Heaters

Hotset UK man­u­fac­ture Ce­ram­ic In­su­lat­ed Band Heaters to an ex­cel­lent stan­dard and to cus­tomer spec­i­fi­ca­tion, which in­cludes Ce­ram­ic Cylin­dri­cal Heaters, Seg­ment Heaters, Air Cooled Shrouds and Tow­er Heaters. All of our Ce­ram­ic Heaters are PAT test­ed to the In­dus­try Stan­dard of 1200 volts which would en­sure max­i­mum per­for­mance. We can al­so re­fur­bish Ce­ram­ic Heaters at a re­duced price of a new heater pro­vid­ing the out­er cas­ing is re-usable.


For heat­ing press plas­ti­fi­ca­tion cylin­ders for In­jec­tion, Blow Mould­ing and Ex­tru­sion Machines.

Technical Data

Out­er material  Stain­less Steel or Aludip 
In­su­la­tion material  Ce­ram­ic steatite grade 211 
Stan­dard thickness  11mm approx 
Wind­ing material  High qual­i­ty 80/20 NiCr wire 
Volt­age supply  up to 480 volts 
Watt density  7 watts cm2 
Max­i­mum temperature  up to 450 °C
Re­sis­tance tolerance  +10% — 5% 
Wattage tolerance  +5% — 10% 

Available Terminations

Hotset UK can man­u­fac­ture Ce­ram­ic Band Heaters with a wide va­ri­ety of ter­mi­na­tion op­tions de­pend­ing on the type of ap­pli­ca­tion and cus­tomer re­quire­ment. Op­tions as list­ed below.

  • 2 Pin Socket
  • 3 Pin Eu­ro Socket
  • Post Ter­mi­nals
  • Ce­ram­ic Ter­mi­nal Block
  • Fly­ing Leads
  • Braid­ed Leads
  • Con­duit
  • Sil­i­cone Leads
  • Strain Re­lief Clips or Grip Glands

We man­u­fac­ture a wide range of ther­mo­cou­ples for process con­trol. All our ther­mo­cou­ples are avail­able as type “J” and type “K”. Ther­mo­cou­ples can al­so be man­u­fac­tured with or with­out plugs and sock­ets. We car­ry large stocks of 8mm di­am­e­ter x 10mm 14.5 id dou­ble slot cap with 2 and 3 me­tre leads at spe­cial prices.

Stock Thermocouples

Stan­dard 8mm Dia x 10mm long tip with 14.5 ID bay­o­net cap, 
Sen­sor Type: “J” Grounded 
Avail­able Lengths  2 and 3 Meters 
Stan­dard 6mm Dia x 15mm long tip with 12.5 ID bay­o­net cap, 
Sen­sor Type: “J” Grounded 
Avail­able Lengths  2 Meters 
Oth­er con­fig­u­ra­tions avail­able on request
Stan­dard leaf type,
Type “J” 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 Me­ter lengths
Type “K” 1.0 Me­ter
Oth­er con­fig­u­ra­tions avail­able on request
Man­i­fold thermocouple
Sen­sor Type: “J” Grounded 
Avail­able Lengths  2 and 3 Meters 
Oth­er con­fig­u­ra­tions avail­able on request
1.9 mm min­er­al in­su­lat­ed thermocouple
Sen­sor Type: “J” Grounded 
Avail­able Lengths  1.5 2,3 and 4 Meters 
Oth­er con­fig­u­ra­tions avail­able on request
Ro­tat­ing Bolt Thermocouple
Sen­sor Type “J” Ground­ed
Avail­able lengths 2 Me­ter
Bolt spec­i­fi­ca­tion M8 x 1.25 and M6 x 1.0
Oth­er con­fig­u­ra­tions avail­able on request

We al­so man­u­fac­ture same day / next day

  • PT100
  • Melt Bolts
  • Min­er­al Insulated

Thermocouple adaptors

Hotset UK stock a wide va­ri­ety of pre­ci­sion turned ther­mo­cou­ple bar­rel adap­tors in var­i­ous sizes and threads.

Thread Pitch Length O/D I/D Type No. Pins Part No.
1/8 BSP 25 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX25B
1/8 BSP 30 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX30B
1/8 BSP 35 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX35B
1/8 BSP 55 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX55B
1/8 BSP 65 11 6.5 Bar­rel 1 1/8BSPX65B
1/4 BSP 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 1/4BSPX50B
1/4 BSP 75 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 1/4BSPX75B
3/8 BSP 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 3/8BSPX50B
3/8 BSP 50 14 8.5 Hex 2 3/8BSPX50H
M12 1.5 30 12 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.5X30X12H
M12 1.5 30 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.5X30X14H
M12 1.75 25 12 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1.75X25X12B
M12 1.75 30 12 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.75X30X12B
M12 1.75 32 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1.75X32X14H
M12 1.75 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1.75X50X14B
M12 1.0 30 12 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1X30X12H
M12 1.0 30 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1X30X14H
M12 1.0 32 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X32X14B
M12 1.0 32 14 8.5 Hex 2 M12X1X32X14H
M12 1.0 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X50X14B
M12 1.0 60 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X60X14B
M12 1.0 70 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M12X1X70X14B
M14 1.5 100 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X100X14B
M14 1.5 20 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X20X14B
M14 1.5 32 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X32X14B
M14 1.5 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X50X14B
M14 1.5 60 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X60X14B
M14 1.5 70 12 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1.5X70X12B
M14 1.0 50 14 8.5 Bar­rel 2 M14X1X50X14B
This list is not ex­haus­tive and spe­cials can be man­u­fac­tured to cus­tomers specifications
Coil Heaters

Hotset UK stock a wide range of straight length flat (2.2 x 4.2mm) sec­tion ready to be coiled on site and despatched same day.


Used main­ly in the In­jec­tion Mould­ing In­dus­try for Heat­ing Sprue Bush­es and Hot Run­ner Systems.

Wattage Width
MMØ INCH 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
10.0 195 240 350 350 350 400 460 460 610
12.0 215 295 400 400 400 460 610 610 610
12.5 1/2″ 215 295 400 400 400 460 610 610 690
14.0 240 350 400 400 460 610 610 690 690
15.0 240 400 460 460 610 610 610 690
16.0 5/8″ 240 400 460 460 610 610 690 690
18.0 295 400 610 610 610 690 690
19.0 3/4″ 295 400 610 610 610 690
20.0 295 460 610 610 690 690
22.0 7/8″ 195 350 610 690 690 690
24.0 195 400 610 690 690
25.0 1″ 215 400 610 690 690
28.0 215 460 690
30.0 240 460 690
32.0 1 1/4″ 240 460 690
35.0 295 610
38.0 1 1/2″ 295 610
40.0 295 610
42.0 350 610
45.0 350 690
48.0 400 690
50.0 2″ 400 690

ther sizes are avail­able on re­quest. When or­der­ing, spec­i­fy in­side Di­am­e­ter and length. Var­i­ous ex­its avail­able as below.

Ax­i­al Exit
Tan­gen­tial Exit
Ra­di­al Exit

Al­so var­i­ous wattages avail­able from stock 3.3 Round Section.

Tubu­lar Heaters

Hotset UK stock an ex­ten­sive range of Bend­able Tubu­lar Heat­ing El­e­ments for im­me­di­ate despatch. All of our Tubu­lar Heat­ing El­e­ments are test­ed to the cur­rent In­dus­try Standard.


By form­ing and fit­ting the Bend­able Tubu­lar it be­comes slight­ly longer. Care must be tak­en not to mul­ti-bend at the same point, be­cause this could cause dam­age to the heater. The Bend­able Tubu­lar is more ef­fi­cient and prac­ti­cal than the con­ven­tion­al Sol­id Tubu­lar Heater.

Straight Sol­id Tubu­lars can be sup­plied in a range of materials

Formed Tubu­lars can be de­signed to cus­tomer specification.

Im­mer­sion Heaters are de­signed and built for ease of in­stal­la­tion, safe­ty, re­li­a­bil­i­ty and easy main­te­nance even in dif­fi­cult conditions.

Stan­dard thread sizes BSP 1 1/4″, 1 3/4″, 2″, 2 1/4″ and 2 1/2″ but var­i­ous al­ter­na­tives are avail­able on request.

Car­tridge Heaters

Hotset UK hold an ex­ten­sive stock range of Car­tridge Heaters from 6.3mm di­am­e­ter up to 20mm di­am­e­ter, Man­u­fac­tured from high qual­i­ty stain­less steel and high grade 80/20 NI/CR wire and can run up to 750 degrees.

We man­u­fac­ture Car­tridge Heaters Stan­dard and Non Stan­dard sizes 10 — 14 Days. We al­so of­fer an Ex­press ser­vice which we will man­u­fatutre with­in 5 Days.


Used in the In­jec­tion and Ex­tru­sion Mould­ing In­dus­try to heat Moulds and Platens, usu­al­ly in­sert­ed in­to a se­ries of drilled holes.

Di­am­e­ter Length Watts Volts Notes
6.3 38.1 200 230  
6.3 50.8 125 230  
6.3 63.5 125 230  
6.3 63.5 250 230  
6.3 63.5 250 230 With J type T/C
6.3 76.2 300 230  
6.3 76.2 315 230  
6.3 82.5 125 230  
6.3 82.5 350 230  
6.3 101.6 160 230  
6.3 101.6 220 230  
6.5 40 100 230 With J Type T/C
6.5 60 125 230  
6.5 60 160 230  
6.5 80 180 230  
6.5 80 250 230  
6.5 80 315 230  
6.5 100 160 230  
6.5 100 250 230  
6.5 100 350 230  
6.5 100 350 230 With J Type T/C
6.5 130 220 230  
6.5 130 350 230  
8.0 40 100 230  
8.0 40 250 230  
8.0 50 250 230  
8.0 80 315 230  
8.0 100 200 230  
8.0 100 315 230  
8.0 130 250 230  
8.0 160 200 230  
9.46 63.5 315 230  
9.46 63.5 400 230  
9.46 63.5 500 230  
9.46 76.2 250 230  
9.46 76.2 250 230 With J Type T/C
9.46 76.2 400 230  
9.46 76.2 400 230 With J Type T/C
9.46 76.2 500 230  
9.46 76.2 600 230  
9.46 82.5 400 230  
9.46 127 300 230  
9.46 133.3 400 230  
9.46 133.3 500 230  
9.46 152.4 750 230  
9.46 165.5 400 230  
10.0 40 125 230  
10.0 40 200 230  
10.0 50 250 230 With J Type T/C
10.0 60 125 230  
10.0 80 250 230  
10.0 80 315 230  
10.0 80 630 230  
10.0 100 250 230  
10.0 100 315 230  
10.0 100 350 230  
10.0 100 630 230  
10.0 100 850 230  
10.0 130 630 230  
10.0 130 800 230  
10.0 160 400 230  
12.5 50 100 230  
12.5 50 200 230  
12.5 60 200 230  
12.5 60 315 230  
12.5 60 400 230  
12.5 80 250 230  
12.5 130 630 230  
12.5 180 670 230  
12.61 38.1 160 230  
12.61 50.8 500 230  
12.61 57.2 300 230  
12.61 63.5 315 230  
12.61 63.5 500 230  
12.61 76.2 300 230  
12.61 76.2 600 230  
12.61 82.5 200 230  
12.61 82.5 315 230  
12.61 82.5 500 230  
12.61 82.5 630 230  
12.61 82.5 800 230  
12.61 101.6 250 230  
12.61 101.6 400 230  
12.61 101.6 500 230  
12.61 101.6 800 230  
12.61 127 750 230  
12.61 152.4 500 230  
12.61 152.4 750 230  
12.61 165.1 800 230  
12.61 165.1 1200 230  
15.81 38.1 230 230  
15.81 38.1 315 230  
15.81 50.8 160 230  
15.81 50.8 400 230  
15.81 50.8 500 230  
15.81 63.5 250 230  
15.81 76.2 750 230  
15.81 76.2 1000 230  
15.81 82.5 400 230  
15.81 82.5 630 230  
15.81 127 750 230  
15.81 127 1000 230  
15.81 133.3 500 230  
15.81 133.3 1100 230  
15.81 203.3 1500 230  
15.81 304.4 1800 230  
16.0 40 250 230  
16.0 50 250 230  
16.0 50 400 230  
16.0 60 315 230  
16.0 60 630 230  
16.0 80 500 230  
16.0 80 630 230  
16.0 80 800 230  
16.0 130 1000 230  
16.0 160 630 230  
16.0 160 800 230  
16.0 250 1000 230  
16.0 250 1250 230  
16.0 250 1600 230  
20.0 60 800 230  
20.0 80 350 230  
20.0 80 800 230  
20.0 80 1000 230  
20.0 100 1000 230  
20.0 100 1600 230  
20.0 130 630 230  
20.0 130 900 230  
20.0 130 1250 230  
20.0 160 800 230  
20.0 300 1600 230  

Oth­er sizes, wattages and volt­ages are avail­able up­on request.

In­su­la­tion Jackets

Hotset UK In­su­la­tion Jack­ets can be used in con­junc­tion with your ex­ist­ing heater bands with­out the need to re­place them, they can al­so be man­u­fac­tured as a com­plete unit with heaters built in.

Our In­su­la­tion Jack­ets con­sist of high tem­per­a­ture, high ten­sile graphite coat­ed sil­i­ca hot face and de­signed to op­er­ate at 1200 ° C. The In­su­la­tion Jack­ets ben­e­fit from a rigid Teflon out­er face that can be eas­i­ly wiped clean

The in­ner blan­ket is made from high den­si­ty wool with su­pe­ri­or in­su­lat­ing prop­er­ties that will not break­down un­der ex­treme tem­per­a­tures. The Jack­ets are fas­tened us­ing high tem­per­a­ture stain­less hook and loop velcro.

Hotset UK In­su­la­tion Jack­ets can be used in con­junc­tion with your ex­ist­ing heater bands with­out the need to re­place them, they can al­so be man­u­fac­tured as a com­plete unit with heaters built in.

Our In­su­la­tion Jack­ets con­sist of high tem­per­a­ture, high ten­sile graphite coat­ed sil­i­ca hot face and de­signed to op­er­ate at 1200 ° C. The In­su­la­tion Jack­ets ben­e­fit from a rigid Teflon out­er face that can be eas­i­ly wiped clean

The in­ner blan­ket is made from high den­si­ty wool with su­pe­ri­or in­su­lat­ing prop­er­ties that will not break­down un­der ex­treme tem­per­a­tures. The Jack­ets are fas­tened us­ing high tem­per­a­ture stain­less hook and loop vel­cro.
We man­u­fac­ture In­su­la­tion Jack­ets with cutouts to ac­com­mo­date ter­mi­nal box­es, ther­mo­cou­ple holes and stan­chion sup­ports and are avail­able in var­i­ous thick­ness, to ac­com­mo­date re­strict­ed ac­cess from guards.

If you would like ad­vice on how to pre­pare a sur­vey for In­su­la­tion, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

Benefits Include

  • Faster start up times
  • In­creased Cy­cle times
  • Min­i­mum 30% en­er­gy savings
  • Cold sur­face re­duces risk of burns
  • En­vi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly
Typ­i­cal Cylin­dri­cal Jacket
In­su­la­tion Jack­et in Flat Form
Plugs and Sockets

Hotset UK stock a wide range of Plugs and Sock­ets. Avail­able for im­me­di­ate despatch

De­scrip­tion Part Num­ber Im­age Rat­ing
3‑Pin Rub­ber Sil­i­cone Straight 3‑PRSS 16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
3‑Pin Rub­ber Sil­i­cone 90 De­gree Angled 3‑PRSA 16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Rub­ber Sil­i­cone Straight 2‑PRSS 16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Rub­ber Sil­i­cone 90 De­gree Angled 2‑PRSA 16 Amps 250V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Ce­ram­ic Ali Straight 2‑PCAS 24 Amps 380V~ 200° C
2‑Pin Ce­ram­ic Ali 90 De­gree Angled 2‑PCAA 24 Amps 380V~ 200° C
3‑Pin Sock­et 3‑PS 16 Amp 250V~
2‑Pin Ce­ram­ic Socket 2‑PCS 10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Bay­o­net 3‑PB-TCP 10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Bay­o­net Socket 3‑PB-TCS 10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Screw Plug 3‑PS-TCP 10 Amp 250V~
3‑Pin Screw Socket 3‑PS-TCS 10 Amp 250V~
Ca­bles and Accessories

HOTSET UK stock a wide range of Mould Shop Ac­ces­sories which are all avail­able for im­me­di­ate despatch.

Our own brand of Hotset UK Mould Shop Sprays con­sists of, Mould Clean­er De­greas­er, Sil­i­cone Mould Re­lease, Non-Sil­i­cone Mould Re­lease, Green Mois­ture Guard, Clear Mois­ture Guard, and HS-40 Main­te­nance Spray. Da­ta sheets avail­able on request.

We stock a wide va­ri­ety of Glass Fi­bre Ca­ble rang­ing from 2.5 amp through to 40 amp Ca­ble. De­signed to op­er­ate at tem­per­a­tures up to 320° C. Sup­plied on 100 mtr rolls or sup­plied by the metre.

We hold a large range of Ter­mi­nal Blocks for sin­gle and three phase con­nec­tions which come in a va­ri­ety of types from Post Ter­mi­nals, Buzz Bars and Through Con­nec­tors with a range of am­page ratings.

We stock large quan­ti­ties of type “J” and type “K” Ther­mo­cou­ple Ca­ble with Stain­less Steel Overbraid.

Ter­mi­nal Boxes
Code HSTB-3PH-150-TX
Height 50 mm
Width 100 mm
Length 150 mm
Code HSTB-3PH-100-AX
Height 50 mm
Width 100 mm
Length 100 mm
Height 50 mm
Width 50 mm
Length 70 mm
Height 50 mm
Width 50 mm
Length 70 mm
Height 50 mm
Width 50 mm
Length 70 mm
Height 65 mm
Width 55 mm
Length 65 mm
Height 65 mm (ex­clud­ing clip)
Width 35 mm
Length 65 mm
Height 65 mm (ex­clud­ing gland)
Width 35 mm
Length 65 mm
Code HSTB-032-TX
Height 40 mm
Width 32 mm
Length 60 mm
Code HSTB-032-RX
Height 40 mm (ex­clud­ing gland)
Width 32 mm
Length 60 mm
Height 60 mm
Width 28 mm
Length 50 mm
Height 35 mm
Width 50 mm
Length 60 mm (to end of socket)
Code HSSB-2PP45-AX
Height 38 mm
Width 50 mm
Length 65 mm (to end of socket)
Code HSSB-3PP45-AX
Height 38 mm
Width 50 mm
Length 65 mm (to end of socket)
Height 25 mm
Width 32 mm
Length 40 mm (ex­clud­ing clip)
Height 12 mm
Width 20 mm
Length 28 mm


Hotset UK Limited

Unit 1, West Road,
Pe­nall­ta In­dus­tri­al Es­tate,
CF82 7QZ

Tel:- 01443 813500 | Fax:- 01443 819536 | Email:-

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