Engineering and development services

Client Projects

Do you have en­tire­ly new re­quire­ments re­gard­ing the sup­ply, re­moval or con­trol of process heat that make a new de­vel­op­ment nec­es­sary? Do you need com­plete ma­chine com­po­nents for your pro­duc­tion that sup­ply and re­move process heat or reg­u­late the tem­per­a­ture ac­cord­ing to pro­duc­tion requirements?

We an­a­lyze our cus­tomers’ ther­mal process­es and ide­al­ly de­vel­op a com­plete­ly new so­lu­tion for their needs. In do­ing so, we don’t just want to be a lit­tle faster or hot­ter, but have a claim to a “dif­fer­ent” so­lu­tion that en­ables sig­nif­i­cant­ly greater ef­fi­cien­cy and qual­i­ty. To achieve this, we are hap­py to as­sist you with our ex­per­tise as an en­gi­neer­ing and de­vel­op­ment ser­vice provider.

    • De­vel­op­ment of heat­ed ma­chine components
    • Sys­tem so­lu­tions for process heating
    • Op­ti­miza­tion and re­design of heat­ing sys­tems for in­dus­tri­al applications
    • En­gi­neer­ing and de­sign services

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hotset offers engineering and development services and is an outsourcing partner for complete value chains

Development services from the specialist for industrial heating elements

In­di­vid­ual so­lu­tions for every ap­pli­ca­tion: As an en­gi­neer­ing ser­vice provider, we are in­creas­ing­ly de­vel­op­ing en­tire process heat­ing sys­tems. This way, we break new ground as trend­set­ters and give our cus­tomers the de­ci­sive com­pet­i­tive edge with new prod­ucts.

If a cus­tomer needs more than “just need a heat­ing el­e­ment” but rather a com­plete sys­tem so­lu­tion for a new prod­uct or pro­duc­tion process, hotset’s en­gi­neer­ing and de­sign ser­vices are called up­on. Our ref­er­ences in the field of heat­ing sys­tems for in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­tions range from process op­ti­miza­tion for er­ror-free pro­duc­tion to new de­sign. At the end of each project there is the test­ing of a new heat­ed ma­chine com­po­nent in the cus­tomer ap­pli­ca­tion or even the se­r­i­al production.


  • Sup­ply and con­trol of process heat
  • In­tro­duc­tion of new prod­uct and man­u­fac­tur­ing technologies
  • Process op­ti­miza­tion to in­crease reliability
    and tool life in manufacturing
  • Tech­nol­o­gy trans­fer from non-in­dus­try applications
  • Con­trol engineering

Saving energy with a shortage of skilled workers

When it comes to en­er­gy sav­ing it is es­pe­cial­ly im­por­tant to ap­ply the right amount of heat at the right place in a pro­duc­tion process. For this pur­pose, hotset of­fers its de­vel­op­ment ex­per­tise, as it is not prof­itable for many com­pa­nies to main­tain their own ex­perts for such a spe­cial­ized area.

To­geth­er with our cus­tomers we find so­lu­tions that can al­so be adapt­ed to ex­ist­ing ma­chines. This af­fects many in­dus­tries from pack­ag­ing to foundry and me­chan­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing as well as all ap­pli­ca­tions us­ing elec­tri­cal heating.

Development process

  • Analy­sis of the re­quire­ments and specifications
  • De­vel­op­ment, con­cep­tu­al de­sign and eco­nom­ic eval­u­a­tion of tech­ni­cal so­lu­tion options
  • De­vel­op­ment of the re­quire­ments specification
  • Con­struc­tion and pro­to­typ­ing (heat­ing system)
  • Test­ing and ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the sam­ple against tech­ni­cal specifications
  • Test­ing of the sam­ple in the over­all sys­tem, e.g. in the pro­duc­tion plant
  • Se­ries release
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