Silicone Heating Elements | Panel Heating Mats | Temperature Sensors


Whether on four wheels or on rails — hotset brings move­ment to ther­mal sen­sor technology.

With the hot­form sil­i­cone heat­ing el­e­ments, we have de­vel­oped a high­ly ef­fi­cient and re­spon­sive uni­ver­sal so­lu­tion wich is ap­plied in sur­face tem­per­a­ture con­trol in rail­road, track and sig­nal technology.

The au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try on the oth­er hand re­lies on hotset’s tem­per­a­ture sen­sors, ther­mo­cou­ples and re­sis­tance ther­mome­ters which are used in re­search and development.

hotset silicone heating elements and temperature sensors for automotive industry, railroad engineering and track construction

Solutions for Railroad Technology and Track Construction

De­frost­ing, warm­ing, heat­ing – hot­form sil­i­cone heat­ing el­e­ments can be used for flat, curved and perime­ter sur­faces in var­i­ous in­door and out­door applications:

  • Steps and entrances
  • Doors and windows
  • Seats and floors
  • Cou­plings and wa­ter tanks
  • Switch and sig­nal mechanisms

On top of that, our hot­form sil­i­cone heat­ing el­e­ments are ex­treme­ly ver­sa­tile. They can be used as a stand-alone so­lu­tion, as a built-in com­po­nent, or as an in­ter­me­di­ate lay­er in mul­ti­lay­er sys­tems and sand­wich con­struc­tions. Size and de­sign can be in­di­vid­u­al­ly adapt­ed to spe­cif­ic requirements.

Even more con­vinc­ing ar­gu­ments for the hot­form series:

  • Ul­tra-flat, light­weight and flexible
  • For tem­per­a­tures from ‑60 °C to +270 °C
  • Time and tem­per­a­ture ori­ent­ed control
  • High con­trol accuracy
  • In­creased func­tion­al and op­er­a­tional reliability
  • Min­i­mized ef­fort for main­te­nance and repair



  • Flow heater
  • Frost pro­tec­tion systems
  • Floor heat­ing
hotset temperature sensors, thermocouples and resistance thermometers for research and development in the automotive industry

Solutions for the Automotive Industry

hotset of­fers a wide range of tem­per­a­ture sen­sors for re­search and de­vel­op­ment in the au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try. Our ther­mo­cou­ples and re­sis­tance ther­mome­ters can be found in a wide va­ri­ety of ap­pli­ca­tions — from the en­gine com­part­ment to the ex­haust tract and brake discs to the ve­hi­cle in­te­ri­or. In par­tic­u­lar, our sen­sors are used in ar­eas that are dif­fi­cult to ac­cess, ro­tat­ing sur­faces and ar­eas that re­quire fast re­sponse times.

Min­er­al In­su­lat­ed Ther­mo­cou­ple / Min­er­al In­su­lat­ed Re­sis­tance Thermometer

Gen­er­al ap­pli­ca­tion areas

  • en­gine compartment
  • Cat­alyt­ic converter
  • Ex­haust tract

Wire ther­mo­cou­ple

Gen­er­al ap­pli­ca­tion area

    • Poor­ly ac­ces­si­ble ar­eas with lim­it­ed space and/or when fast re­sponse times are re­quired, such as in the en­gine compartment

Self-Ad­he­sive sur­face thermocouple

Gen­er­al ap­pli­ca­tion area

    • Fast, space-sav­ing and un­prob­lem­at­ic tem­per­a­ture mea­sure­ment on var­i­ous sur­faces, such as ve­hi­cle in­te­ri­ors or hoses

Spring ther­mo­cou­ple / Fric­tion thermocouple

Gen­er­al ap­pli­ca­tion area

  • Tem­per­a­ture de­tec­tion on the brake disc or oth­er ro­tat­ing surfaces

In­sert Thermocouple

Gen­er­al ap­pli­ca­tion area

  • Tem­per­a­ture record­ing in the brake disc
    (For ham­mer­ing in­to the brake disc)

Ter­mi­nal Strip

Gen­er­al ap­pli­ca­tion area

  • Merg­ing mul­ti­ple con­nec­tion lines to re­duce wiring and save space
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