Band Heaters & Accessories

ITE + KIT Band Heaters

Band heaters are the ide­al so­lu­tion for the heat­ing of tubes and oth­er cylin­dri­cal sur­faces. They are used on all cur­rent types of ma­chines in the in­jec­tion mould­ing, blown film dies and ex­tru­sion industry.

Band Heaters & Accessories

As dis­trib­u­tor part­ner of Ihne & Tesch GmbH and Keller Ihne & Tesch KG we are proud to pro­vide their products.

Di­rect link to Ihne & Tesch GmbH and Keller Ihne & Tesch KG:

Band Heaters

Band heaters are the ide­al so­lu­tion for the heat­ing of tubes and oth­er cylin­dri­cal sur­faces. They are used on all cur­rent types of ma­chines in the in­jec­tion mould­ing, blown film dies and ex­tru­sion industry.

But al­so in the chem­i­cal in­dus­try, spe­cial ma­chin­ery and lab­o­ra­to­ries band heaters are applied.

Mi­ca In­su­lat­ed Band Heaters (type Z, ZAW, ZWM)

type Z ZAW ZWM

Mi­ca in­su­lat­ed band heaters are used on all cur­rent types of ma­chines in the in­jec­tion mould­ing and ex­tru­sion industry.

Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture up to

Brass or Stain­less Steel Based Band Heaters (type DG, DGS)


Brass or stain­less steel based band heaters are used pri­mar­i­ly on in­jec­tion mould­ing ma­chines in the plas­tic pro­cess­ing industry.

For op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture up to

  • 280°C/536°F type DG
  • 350°C/662°F type DGS

Ce­ram­ic In­su­lat­ed Band Heaters (type KHK)

Type KHK

Ce­ram­ic in­su­lat­ed band heaters are de­signed for all cur­rent types of ma­chines in the in­jec­tion mould­ing and ex­tru­sion industry.

Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture up to

Alu­mini­um Based Band Heaters (type DAK)

Type DAK

The alu­mini­um body pro­tects the band heater from dam­age and as­sures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion over the suface.

For op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture up to

Min­er­al In­su­lat­ed Band Heaters (type DGM)

Type DGM

The DGM high per­for­mance band heater ful­fils the re­quire­ment of am­bi­tious poly­mer processing.

For op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture up to

Alu­mini­um or Brass Cast Heaters

Type Cast Heaters

Cast heaters are de­signed for the heat­ing of ex­tru­sion bar­rels, screen chang­ers, slot dies, pack­ag­ing ma­chines and seal­ing heads.

Op­er­at­ing tem­per­a­ture up to

  • 450°C/842°F: Alu­mini­um
  • 650°C/1202°F: Brass

Pre-Heat­ing Ovens and Dry­ers (TRUS)

Type Trus

Warm air dry­er for dry­ing and pre-heat­ing of sol­vent free plas­tic gran­u­lates re­spec­tive­ly an­neal­ing of moulds.

Lab­o­ra­to­ry Ovens

Type Laboratory Oven

Uni­ver­sal lab­o­ra­to­ry ovens are for re­search, de­vel­op­ment, med­i­cine, mi­cro­bi­ol­o­gy and many in­dus­tri­al applications.

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