Intelligent system solutions for industrial heating technology


The whole is more than the sum of its parts. This is es­pe­cial­ly true of ther­mo­dy­nam­ics. The right heat­ing el­e­ment needs the ap­pro­pri­ate ther­mal sen­sor and the ap­pro­pri­ate con­trol. In ad­di­tion, a pro­tec­tive in­su­la­tion would still have to be found? The right plug? A box around it? What about ac­tive cool­ing? When our cus­tomers ask these ques­tions, they don’t just need a com­po­nent from us, but rather the right system.


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hotset intelligent system solutions for industrial heating technology
P-System heating plates

P‑System heating plates

With the sur­face heat­ing pan­els of our P‑System, we re­al­ized an in­no­v­a­tive sys­tem so­lu­tion for the process-re­li­able gen­er­a­tion of uni­form and ho­mo­ge­neous tem­per­a­ture fields when pro­cess­ing and ma­chin­ing of a wide va­ri­ety of materials.

In situ visualization of hydrothermal processes in process water cycles with the D-System.

D‑System — Data Logger

Da­ta log­ger for in-situ record­ing of flu­id-tech­ni­cal process­es in tem­per­a­ture con­trol cir­cuits. The handy mea­sur­ing in­stru­ment en­ables tool­mak­ers and in­jec­tion mold­ers to check the wa­ter-hy­draulic process­es in the mold quick­ly and easily.

DH-System: Optimization of surface quality and process optimization in plastic injection molding

DH-System — dynamic temperature control

The right tem­per­a­ture at the right time, ex­act­ly at the right place in the cav­i­ty. The re­sult: no vis­i­ble weld line notch, flow line or dull halos.

P-System heating plates
P‑System -
Heating plates

With the sur­face heat­ing pan­els of our P‑System, we re­al­ized an in­no­v­a­tive sys­tem so­lu­tion for the process-re­li­able gen­er­a­tion of uni­form and ho­mo­ge­neous tem­per­a­ture fields when pro­cess­ing and ma­chin­ing of a wide va­ri­ety of materials.

In situ visualization of hydrothermal processes in process water cycles with the D-System.
D‑System -
Data Logger

Da­ta log­ger for in-situ record­ing of flu­id-tech­ni­cal process­es in tem­per­a­ture con­trol cir­cuits. The handy mea­sur­ing in­stru­ment en­ables tool­mak­ers and in­jec­tion mold­ers to check the wa­ter-hy­draulic process­es in the mold quick­ly and easily.

DH-System: Optimization of surface quality and process optimization in plastic injection molding
DH-System — Dynamic temperature control

The right tem­per­a­ture at the right time, ex­act­ly at the right place in the cav­i­ty. The re­sult: no vis­i­ble weld line notch, flow line or dull halos.

iQ-System - Konturnahe Temperierung
iQ-System — Conformal cooling

De­sign of con­for­mal and ho­mo­ge­neous tem­per­a­ture con­trol. Cross-tech­nol­o­gy im­ple­men­ta­tion through ad­di­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing, vac­u­um braz­ing, dif­fu­sion weld­ing and the as­so­ci­at­ed sim­u­la­tion methods.

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