From a single cast

Casting Foundries

Start­ing with the die-cast­ing noz­zle heater via the foundry car­tridge heater up to the co­or­di­nat­ed con­trol tech­nol­o­gy — hotset pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive ther­mosen­soric sys­tems for the foundry in­dus­try. Our ma­te­r­i­al- and en­er­gy-sav­ing so­lu­tions are ro­bust and versatile.

Solutions for the foundry industry

With nu­mer­ous prod­ucts for the foundry in­dus­try – start­ing with the hot­cast sealed noz­zle heater (type GMH) over the foundry car­tridge heater hotrod (type HHP/G) up to the co­or­di­nat­ed con­trol tech­nol­o­gy – hotset re­sponds to the re­quire­ments of the in­dus­try e.g. for zinc die cast­ing pro­cess­ing. Our com­pre­hen­sive prod­uct so­lu­tions use hotset tech­nolo­gies, which have been proven for decades and are trust­ed by nu­mer­ous world mar­ket lead­ers in the field of hot cham­ber die cast­ing machines.

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