Bendable by hand in all three dimensions

hotflex Flexible Tubular Heaters

The hot­flex is the world’s first tubu­lar heater that can be bent freely by hand in all three di­men­sions. Sim­pli­fied han­dling, easy as­sem­bly, op­ti­mum ther­mal prop­er­ties and sim­pli­fied stock-keep­ing (the hot­flex is sup­plied stretched in nu­mer­ous lengths from stock) are the out­stand­ing prod­uct arguments.

The tubular heater hotflex can be bent freely by hand, is easily mounted and has optimal thermal properties.

hotflex Flexible Tubular Heaters

The flexible tubular heater hotflex is used e.g. in contour heating and is available in round and square shape.

The three-di­men­sion­al bend­abil­i­ty of the hot­flex pro­vides de­sign­ers with a high de­gree of “ap­pli­ca­tion flex­i­bil­i­ty” com­pared to tra­di­tion­al heat­ing (e.g. with hotrod heat­ing car­tridges type HHP).

For ap­pli­ca­tions such as con­tour heat­ing, in ad­di­tion to the im­proved heat trans­fer, con­sid­er­able sav­ings can be achieved in terms of tool mass, spare parts pro­cure­ment and low­er en­er­gy con­sump­tion.

And this is pos­si­ble in both round (Ø 6.5 mm and 8.5 mm) and square (6 x 6 mm and 8 x 8 mm) shapes.

Stock Range

You can view our wide range of bear­ings in our brochure in the down­load area (start­ing on page 4). Please en­quire about our stock range us­ing our stan­dard in­quiry form.

hotflex Extension Factors

De­pend­ing on the num­ber of bend­ing radii, the hot­flex be­comes longer when bend­ing and press­ing in. For a more pre­cise cal­cu­la­tion of the stretch­ing you can use our template.

Construction and mounting


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A successful product finds imitators

In some coun­tries there are al­ready man­u­fac­tur­ers who try to copy our hot­flex.

To en­sure that you have re­ceived and are us­ing orig­i­nal hotset heaters, we have put to­geth­er some tips to help you dis­tin­guish our hot­flex from oth­er prod­ucts that claim to be a hotset hotflex.

Identify an Original hotflex from hotset:


Hot­flex heaters are marked with our name “hotset”, with the elec­tri­cal volt­age and pow­er. Pro­duc­tion da­ta can be traced via an ad­di­tion­al number.

Each heater is marked with “CE”


The sur­face of a hot­flex is made of stain­less steel. It is com­plete­ly closed. There is no brass, cop­per, met­al braid, met­al link tub­ing or sim­i­lar vari­a­tions on the outside.

Sur­face texture

The stain­less steel cov­er is com­plete­ly closed and with­out in­ter­rup­tions. It looks some­what like rings joined to­geth­er. These are not spi­rals, but closed rings, see the picture.

Since the heater is high­ly com­pressed, the jack­et can not move and de­tach from the heater.

The bend­ing behavior

Al­though the hot­flex is high­ly com­pressed and made of stain­less steel, it can be eas­i­ly bent by hand – with­out much force or even spe­cial tools. This is one of the unique ad­van­tages due to the patent­ed man­u­fac­tur­ing process that our cus­tomers ap­pre­ci­ate over oth­er heat­ing elements.

Why use the original?

Qual­i­ty and safe­ty – tem­per­a­ture makes the dif­fer­ence

Some oth­er so-called “flex­i­ble heat­ing el­e­ments” of­fer suf­fi­cient elec­tri­cal val­ues when cold. How­ev­er, when heat­ing up, the raw ma­te­r­i­al used, the man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nol­o­gy and the over­all qual­i­ty then de­ter­mine the elec­tri­cal safe­ty of the heat­ing element.


The hot­flex achieves its ex­cel­lent heat trans­fer due to its high den­si­ty na­ture and patent­ed tech­nol­o­gy. You can achieve per­fect heat trans­fer for round and square hot­flex by fol­low­ing our rec­om­mend­ed groove geom­e­try. For ex­am­ple, with a groove width of 8.2 mm for a hot­flex with a di­am­e­ter of 8.5 mm, the heater de­forms and com­press­es dur­ing in­stal­la­tion in such a way that there is hard­ly any space for air gaps and the heater sur­face con­tacts the mold from one groove edge to the oth­er with pressure.

The il­lus­tra­tion shows the hot­flex dri­ven in with a plas­tic ham­mer — with­out hy­draulic press­ing or oth­er post-processing.

This means for you:

  • Ex­cel­lent heat transfer
  • Re­li­a­bil­i­ty
  • Short heat-up times


The hot­flex is de­vel­oped and man­u­fac­tured ac­cord­ing to Ger­man and Eu­ro­pean stan­dards and laws. This means high re­li­a­bil­i­ty and safe­ty for you and your em­ploy­ees – mean­ing for example:

  • High volt­age resistance
  • Iso­la­tion resistance
  • Leak­age current

What does this mean?

In the event of an elec­tri­cal de­fect on a ma­chine, a poor qual­i­ty heater can cause elec­tri­cal volt­ages on the ma­chine surface.

This can be­come a haz­ard to the health and life of your em­ploy­ees. An elec­tri­cal de­fect could oc­cur on any ma­chine, es­pe­cial­ly if parts move or tem­per­a­ture changes occur.

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