Quality that has it all!

hotrod Cartridge Heaters

Type HHP and type LHT are the core prod­ucts of the hotset man­u­fac­tur­ing tra­di­tion. Out­stand­ing know-how, the high qual­i­ty of the ma­te­ri­als used and the ex­cel­lent work­man­ship guar­an­tee a long ser­vice life and out­stand­ing prod­uct characteristics.

hotrod cartridge heaters with innovative technical features (e.g. moisture-protected connection area)

hotrod Cartridge Heaters

hotrod cartridge heaters with innovative technical features (e.g. moisture-protected connection area)

Through in­ten­sive co­op­er­a­tion — al­so for spe­cial ap­pli­ca­tions — hotset suc­ceeds again and again in giv­ing in­no­v­a­tive im­puls­es to hotrod car­tridge heaters with new tech­ni­cal fea­tures (e.g. mois­ture-pro­tect­ed con­nec­tion area).

With op­ti­mal pro­duc­tion con­di­tions, a unique price-per­for­mance ra­tio can be achieved for larg­er quan­ti­ties. hotrod car­tridge heaters of­fer high func­tion­al­i­ty and a high de­gree of pro­duc­tion re­li­a­bil­i­ty — in short: “Qual­i­ty that packs a punch!”

Application examples

  • Hot run­ner tech­nol­o­gy — Heat­ing of dis­tri­b­u­tion beams
  • Pack­ag­ing in­dus­try — Heat­ing of seal­ing beams
  • Pack­ag­ing in­dus­try — Heat­ing of hot stamp­ing dies
  • Tex­tile in­dus­try — Heat­ing of cut­ting knives
  • Pa­per in­dus­try — Heat­ing of em­boss­ing rollers
  • Lab­o­ra­to­ry tech­nol­o­gy — Heat­ing of analy­sis equipment

Stock Range

You can see our wide range of bear­ings in our brochure in the down­load area (from page 4). Please en­quire about our stock range via our stan­dard in­quiry form.


Hotrod heat­ing car­tridges (type HHP) or­dered to­day un­til 10:00 are ready for ship­ment to­mor­row. With our 24- or 48-hour de­liv­ery, we would like to sim­pli­fy the pro­cure­ment of hotrod heat­ing el­e­ments for our cus­tomers and dras­ti­cal­ly ac­cel­er­ate the pro­cure­ment time. Please feel free to con­tact us!

Small, smaller, smallest …

hotrod Ø1/8" - exactly as small as a matchstick

hotrod Ø 1/8 inch (3,1 mm)

hotrod heating cartridge up to 1000°C

The hotrod high temperature heating cartridge is used in thermodynamic applications up to 1,000°C.

High tem­per­a­ture heat­ing car­tridge: Ther­mo­dy­nam­ic ap­pli­ca­tions up to 1,000°C

Hotrod cartridge heaters certified to UL and CSA standards

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to UL and CSA stan­dards re­quires a high lev­el of fire pro­tec­tion and high volt­age re­sis­tance as well as the use of spe­cial UL ap­proved ma­te­ri­als. hotrod car­tridge heaters meet ex­act­ly these re­quire­ments and are there­fore UL list­ed com­po­nents. The de­tails of our UL cer­ti­fied hotrod car­tridge heaters can be found in the brochure.

Certification to UL and CSA standards

VDE certified hotrod cartridge heaters

The elec­tri­cal safe­ty of our hotrod car­tridge heaters is un­der­lined by var­i­ous VDE certifications.

Certification according to VDE standards
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