Learning — for a lifetime!

Career with hotset

The suc­cess of our com­pa­ny is based on our qual­i­fied, com­mit­ted and mo­ti­vat­ed em­ploy­ees. That is why hotset has al­ways in­vest­ed in the in­di­vid­ual train­ing and per­son­al de­vel­op­ment of its team. Every em­ploy­ee should get ex­act­ly the in­di­vid­ual sup­port he/she needs to be able to achieve ex­tra­or­di­nary things at work.

Career at hotset: successful as a team

hotset as employer

hotset campus 

To make work­ing at hotset fun at all lev­els, we of­fer our em­ploy­ees nu­mer­ous ben­e­fits, such as: 


Em­ploy­ee Events 

Em­ploy­ee promotion 

Food or­der­ing and prepa­ra­tion service 

Fresh ap­ples every day 

Free hot drinks 

Com­pa­ny pen­sion plan 

Home of­fice options 

Cap­i­tal-form­ing benefits 

Em­ploy­ee involvement 

Em­ploy­ee newspaper 

hotset campus 

The hotset cam­pus is our “in­ter­nal uni­ver­si­ty”, which com­bines the ed­u­ca­tion­al de­sires of the hotset team. Here, our em­ploy­ees can con­tin­u­ous­ly ex­pand their knowl­edge and op­ti­mal­ly pre­pare them­selves for fu­ture chal­lenges.

. The fixed reper­toire in­cludes lan­guage, IT and health cours­es. The pro­gram is com­plet­ed by method­ol­o­gy cours­es and sem­i­nars of­fered by in­ter­nal lec­tur­ers. In ad­di­tion to the pro­fes­sion­al val­ue, the hotset cam­pus brings to­geth­er em­ploy­ees from all de­part­ments and hi­er­ar­chi­cal levels. 

Family at hotset 

At hotset, we at­tach great im­por­tance to the com­pat­i­bil­i­ty of fam­i­ly and ca­reer. Among oth­er things, we of­fer par­ents the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­turn to work quick­ly via flex­time mod­els and part-time employment. 


We spend a lot of time with our col­leagues every day. This makes it all the more im­por­tant to have a good at­mos­phere and sol­id team spir­it. To strength­en this, our an­nu­al sum­mer par­ty and our Christ­mas par­ty have be­come es­tab­lished tra­di­tions. Every few years, the sum­mer par­ty turns in­to Fam­i­ly Day, when the fam­i­lies of our em­ploy­ees can join in and ex­pe­ri­ence the hotset at­mos­phere for themselves. 

AOK company run 

For a few years now, the AOK com­pa­ny run has been a reg­u­lar event in the hotset cal­en­dar. Some par­tic­i­pants train to­geth­er weeks in advance. 

hotset Team


Our em­ploy­ees en­sure the con­tin­u­ous growth and suc­cess of the com­pa­ny with their great ideas. Thus, hotset is al­ways look­ing for mo­ti­vat­ed and cu­ri­ous em­ploy­ees who are able to think out­side the box. We of­fer un­re­strict­ed de­vel­op­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties, flat hi­er­ar­chy lev­els and an evolved cor­po­rate culture. 

Cur­rent job vacancies:

Se­nior In­ge­nieur (m/w/d) Sys­teme und Projekte


Would you like to ex­pand the knowl­edge you have ac­quired dur­ing your train­ing with valu­able prac­tice ex­pe­ri­ence? Gain an in­sight in­to a wide va­ri­ety of pro­fes­sions? And then per­haps be­come a re­al “hot­set­ter”?

If the an­swer is yes you are ex­act­ly right with us! Be­cause in an in­tern­ship both sides ben­e­fit: You can ex­pand your pre­vi­ous­ly ac­quired knowl­edge and we ben­e­fit from fresh ideas and new perspectives.

We look for­ward to re­ceiv­ing your application. 


As a trainee of to­day you are a col­league of to­mor­row! That is why hotset of­fers op­ti­mal con­di­tions for your ca­reer start. We un­der­stand train­ing not on­ly as the trans­fer of tech­ni­cal knowl­edge, but al­so as the pro­mo­tion of in­de­pen­dence, a sense of re­spon­si­bil­i­ty and de­vel­op­ment of team spirit.

Our ap­pren­tice­ships (m/f/d):

  • In­dus­tri­al clerk (+com­pound study)
  • In­for­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy clerk
  • Mecha­tron­ics technician
  • Spe­cial­ized ware­house clerk
  • Tech­ni­cal prod­uct designer

Cur­rent train­ing positions:

Auszu­bilden­der zum Fach­in­for­matik­er (m/w/d)

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