News from hotset

No fear of sore muscles — 18th AOK company run

The 18th AOK company run took place on August 12, 2022 and hotset was at the start.
This week­end it was fi­nal­ly time again. The AOK com­pa­ny run could take place as planned af­ter a long break. Each par­tic­i­pant ap­proached the run at his own pace. Cou­ple of run­ners dashed over the course while oth­ers took a more com­fort­able pace. But we had one thing in com­mon. Every­one had fun at this event. Just as nice was the af­ter-run par­ty we spent to­geth­er. We are al­ready look­ing for­ward to the com­pa­ny run in 2023. Each hot­set­ter ap­proached the run at his own pace. Cou­ple of run­ners dashed over the course while oth­ers took a pleas­ant walk­ing speed. But we had one thing in com­mon. Every­one had fun at this event. The af­ter-run par­ty was all the more en­joy­able. We are al­ready look­ing for­ward to the com­pa­ny run in 2023. 
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Fakuma Messe

The future belongs to intelligent tempering

hotset us­es Faku­ma 2023 to present pi­o­neer­ing tem­per­a­ture con­trol so­lu­tions — Hall B2 / Booth 2112.

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Azubis 2023

Apprenticeship start 2023

This year we wel­come three new ap­pren­tices at hotset.

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Die Initiatoren der Übernahme: hotset-Geschäftsführer Ralf Schwarzkopf (mitte), iQtemp-Geschäftsführer Carlo Hüsken (links) und hotset-Vertriebsleiter Sven Braatz (rechts).

Significant expansion of expertise

hotset has ac­quired the tem­per­a­ture con­trol ser­vice provider iQtemp as of June 1.

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