News from hotset

Climate and environmental protection is important to us!

Certificate for Ökoprofit
from left to right: Mar­co Voge, Philipp Gang­hoff, Sven Braatz, Michael Her­manns. The cer­tifi­cate was pre­sent­ed by Dis­trict Ad­min­is­tra­tor Mar­co Voge and Michael Her­manns, Head of De­part­ment in the Min­istry of the En­vi­ron­ment, Agri­cul­ture, Na­ture Con­ser­va­tion and Con­sumer Pro­tec­tion of the State of North Rhine-West­phalia. Philipp Gang­hoff as project man­ag­er and sales man­ag­er Sven Braatz hand­ed over the award. 
The “Öko­prof­it” project, sup­port­ed by the state of NRW, comes to an end af­ter one year. The goal was to in­crease cli­mate and en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion through var­i­ous mea­sures in the com­pa­ny and still re­duce op­er­at­ing costs. hotset is one of the 10 par­tic­i­pants and is hap­py about the re­sult: To­geth­er, 1,220 tons of CO2 were saved, al­most 1.6 mil­lion kilo­watt hours of elec­tric­i­ty were avoid­ed and about 9 tons of waste were pre­vent­ed. Good job! 
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Fakuma Messe

The future belongs to intelligent tempering

hotset us­es Faku­ma 2023 to present pi­o­neer­ing tem­per­a­ture con­trol so­lu­tions — Hall B2 / Booth 2112.

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Azubis 2023

Apprenticeship start 2023

This year we wel­come three new ap­pren­tices at hotset.

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Die Initiatoren der Übernahme: hotset-Geschäftsführer Ralf Schwarzkopf (mitte), iQtemp-Geschäftsführer Carlo Hüsken (links) und hotset-Vertriebsleiter Sven Braatz (rechts).

Significant expansion of expertise

hotset has ac­quired the tem­per­a­ture con­trol ser­vice provider iQtemp as of June 1.

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