News from hotset

hotset is chatting from now on

hotset ex­pands the com­mu­ni­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties for its web­site vis­i­tors with a new dig­i­tal chan­nel. From now on we of­fer a chat func­tion. This means: no wait­ing times, the di­a­log starts in re­al time im­me­di­ate­ly where the vis­i­tor is — and we get in­to the con­ver­sa­tion and to a so­lu­tion faster.

We are there where you need us. Of course, we will con­tin­ue to be avail­able through the fa­mil­iar channels.

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Fakuma Messe

The future belongs to intelligent tempering

hotset us­es Faku­ma 2023 to present pi­o­neer­ing tem­per­a­ture con­trol so­lu­tions — Hall B2 / Booth 2112.

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Azubis 2023

Apprenticeship start 2023

This year we wel­come three new ap­pren­tices at hotset.

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Die Initiatoren der Übernahme: hotset-Geschäftsführer Ralf Schwarzkopf (mitte), iQtemp-Geschäftsführer Carlo Hüsken (links) und hotset-Vertriebsleiter Sven Braatz (rechts).

Significant expansion of expertise

hotset has ac­quired the tem­per­a­ture con­trol ser­vice provider iQtemp as of June 1.

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