Gripping Connections

Packaging Industry

Our port­fo­lio for the pack­ag­ing in­dus­try is just as flex­i­ble as our bend­able hot­flex. In this area, our broad prod­uct range opens up ap­pli­ca­tions in many dif­fer­ent fields. 

Solutions for the Packaging Industry

A large num­ber of hotset’s heat­ing el­e­ments are used in the pack­ag­ing in­dus­try. These in­clude the hot­flex, which can be bent three-di­men­sion­al­ly by hand, as well as the hotrod car­tridge heaters and hot­spring coiled tub­ing car­tridges, which are used, for ex­am­ple, as seal­ing heads. Nu­mer­ous man­u­fac­tur­ers of pack­ag­ing ma­chines ben­e­fit from hotset’s know-how in spe­cial ap­pli­ca­tions. Among oth­er things, our ex­per­tise is in­dis­pens­able in re­la­tion to mois­ture-sen­si­tive ar­eas or the spe­cial re­quire­ments of food packaging. 
hotset heating technology for the packaging industry



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