News from hotset

MedtecLive, everything about medical technology

Trade fair: MedtecLive 2022

hotset’s in­no­v­a­tive tem­per­a­ture con­trol sys­tems play a cen­tral role not on­ly in in­dus­tri­al process en­gi­neer­ing, but al­so in­creas­ing­ly in med­ical, den­tal and lab­o­ra­to­ry equip­ment and plant en­gi­neer­ing. The com­pa­ny, with its head­quar­ters in Lü­den­scheid, now cov­ers a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions. This is based, on the one hand, on an ap­peal­ing range of ready-to-use heat­ing el­e­ments and ther­mal sen­sors avail­able at short no­tice and, on the oth­er hand, on the cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic de­vel­op­ment of in­no­v­a­tive sys­tem so­lu­tions which, as func­tion­al units of high­er-lev­el process­es and pro­ce­dures, en­sure ac­cu­rate and pre­cise­ly con­trol­lable tem­per­a­ture con­trol. “We will be pre­sent­ing both ar­eas to vis­i­tors at this year’s Medte­cLIVE in Stuttgart. How­ev­er, the fo­cus of our ex­hi­bi­tion pro­gram at booth 330 in hall 10 will be on the pre­sen­ta­tion of our tem­per­a­ture con­trol and analy­sis sys­tems for equip­ment, ap­pa­ra­tus and ma­chine man­u­fac­tur­ers in med­ical and den­tal tech­nol­o­gy. In this con­text, we will be pro­vid­ing in­sights in­to both ex­ist­ing part­ner­ships and the pos­si­bil­i­ties of fu­ture de­vel­op­ment projects,” says Sven Braatz, hotset’s Sales Man­ag­er and Vice President.

Three sys­tems, three so­lu­tions
Three sys­tems are among hotset’s most im­por­tant process so­lu­tions cur­rent­ly in use on the med­ical and lab­o­ra­to­ry tech­nol­o­gy ter­rain: First, the Z‑system for par­tial-cyclic tem­per­a­ture con­trol of in­jec­tion molds for the pro­duc­tion of med­ical and op­ti­cal com­po­nents; sec­ond, the P‑system with its sur­face heat­ing plates for heat treat­ment of med­ical and hy­giene-sen­si­tive pack­ag­ing films and bond­ing process­es; and third, the D‑system for in-situ analy­sis and med­ical val­i­da­tion of ther­mal-hy­draulic in­ci­dents in wa­ter cir­cuits. “All three sys­tem so­lu­tions are ded­i­cat­ed to the high-pre­ci­sion and process-in­te­grat­ed dis­tri­b­u­tion, sup­ply, pro­vi­sion and mon­i­tor­ing of tem­per­a­tures in process­es and pro­ce­dures, which play a cen­tral role in the re­al­iza­tion of high-qual­i­ty med­ical prod­ucts that have to sur­vive in in­ter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion,” em­pha­sizes Sven Braatz.

Avail­able ready for in­stal­la­tion
Oth­er com­po­nents from hotset, such as the many dif­fer­ent heat­ing el­e­ments and ther­mal sen­sors, are among the most in­dis­pens­able per­for­mance mod­ules of med­ical and clin­i­cal de­vices and ap­pa­ra­tus. Among oth­er things, they are used for op­ti­mal tem­per­a­ture con­trol — for ex­am­ple, in the man­u­fac­ture of tubes and blad­der catheters, patho­log­i­cal spec­i­men sur­faces or work ta­bles for the pro­duc­tion of plas­ter and dress­ing ma­te­ri­als. They are just as nec­es­sary in the treat­ment of blood re­serves as in the pack­ag­ing and seal­ing of med­ical prod­ucts. They are al­so em­ployed in the con­struc­tion of mod­ern ster­il­iz­ers, au­to­claves, in­cu­ba­tors and tem­per­a­ture cab­i­nets. Oth­er fields of ap­pli­ca­tion for hotset’s heat­ing and ther­motech­ni­cal prod­ucts in­clude den­tal vul­can­iza­tion and me­dia tem­per­a­ture con­trol in clin­i­cal dial­y­sis process­es and ven­ti­la­tion sys­tems. And last but not least, a fur­ther mar­ket seg­ment for the use of hotset’s tem­per­a­ture con­trol sys­tems has emerged un­der the in­flu­ence of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic with the in­ten­si­fied pro­duc­tion of FFP2 and sur­gi­cal masks.

Tem­per­a­ture con­trol and val­i­da­tion
At its booth at Medte­cLIVE, hotset will al­so pro­vide in­for­ma­tion on which so­lu­tions for med­ical tech­nol­o­gy are cur­rent­ly still in de­vel­op­ment across prod­ucts and sys­tems. Since the tem­per­a­ture con­trol of me­dia, sur­faces, lines and process­es is one of the most fun­da­men­tal tasks in vir­tu­al­ly all fields of mod­ern med­ical, lab­o­ra­to­ry and den­tal tech­nol­o­gy, the Lü­den­scheid-based com­pa­ny is cur­rent­ly in close con­tact with nu­mer­ous en­ter­pris­es in these in­dus­tries. “MForm, a pro­duc­er of med­ical in­fu­sion sys­tems, em­ploys our D‑System, for in­stance, as part of the MDR*-compliant val­i­da­tion of its in­jec­tion mold­ing process­es,” says Sven Braatz.
hotset re­peat­ed­ly demon­strates its ca­pa­bil­i­ties as a cre­ative and com­pe­tent en­gi­neer­ing and sys­tems part­ner in nu­mer­ous cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic projects for med­ical tech­nol­o­gy. In this re­spect, the com­pa­ny is able to ben­e­fit from its decades of ex­pe­ri­ence in hands-on project work with man­u­fac­tur­ers from oth­er in­dus­tries, such as mea­sure­ment tech­nol­o­gy, au­toma­tion or flu­id tech­nol­o­gy. Last but not least, this ex­per­tise al­so guar­an­tees a pro­fes­sion­al ap­proach to new de­vel­op­ment tasks and the tar­get-ori­ent­ed im­ple­men­ta­tion of cus­tomer requirements.

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Fakuma Messe

The future belongs to intelligent tempering

hotset us­es Faku­ma 2023 to present pi­o­neer­ing tem­per­a­ture con­trol so­lu­tions — Hall B2 / Booth 2112.

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Azubis 2023

Apprenticeship start 2023

This year we wel­come three new ap­pren­tices at hotset.

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Die Initiatoren der Übernahme: hotset-Geschäftsführer Ralf Schwarzkopf (mitte), iQtemp-Geschäftsführer Carlo Hüsken (links) und hotset-Vertriebsleiter Sven Braatz (rechts).

Significant expansion of expertise

hotset has ac­quired the tem­per­a­ture con­trol ser­vice provider iQtemp as of June 1.

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