DIN 1319

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DIN 1319 is the ba­sic Ger­man In­dus­tri­al Stan­dard for mea­sure­ment tech­nol­o­gy and de­scribes the spec­i­fi­ca­tion in four sections.

Section 1: DIN 1319–1

Ba­sic terms of metrology

  • Mea­sured variable
  • Mea­sured object
  • Mea­sure­ment result
  • Mea­sure­ment uncertainty

Section 2: DIN 1319–2

Mea­sur­ing equipment

  • Mea­sur­ing equipment
  • Cor­rect use of mea­sur­ing instruments

Section 3: DIN 1319–3

De­ter­mi­na­tion and eval­u­a­tion of mea­sured val­ues and the han­dling of mea­sure­ment uncertainty.

Section 4: DIN 1319–4

As in the 3rd sec­tion, the 4th sec­tion al­so deals with the de­ter­mi­na­tion and eval­u­a­tion of mea­sured val­ues and the han­dling of mea­sure­ment uncertainty.

Assignment to the European Standard

The stan­dard cor­re­sponds to the Eu­ro­pean Stan­dard EN 13005.

When was DIN 1319 published?

DIN 1319 was first pub­lished in 1942 and un­der­went sev­er­al adap­ta­tions and ad­di­tions over time.

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